scitex dolev 800v startup failed




At the time of booting at the stage of start up 7 we are facing following error

1. Pos 15 v err
2. neg 15 v err
3. neg 5.2 v err
4. pos 5v err
5. dat pos 12 v err
6. dat neg 12v err
7. dat pos 5v err
8. pos 12v err
9. omc laser dac err
10. rly 1 power check err
11. rly 2 power check err

then start up failed error.

any suggestion ??

after a long R&D cleaning all the boards _ same status
cleaning the power spply and fan gives some positive feedback now the machine started running!
after a long R&D cleaning all the boards _ same status
cleaning the power spply and fan gives some positive feedback now the machine started running!

Good that you managed to get your Dolev running again. If the Dolev stops at 007 on start up it usualy points to a mechanical problem. At 007 it does mechanical tests.
Regarding your Brisque, what I meant is to do an FSCK on your disks. You have to exit from the application and do it from AIX.


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