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  1. Y

    latest InDesign beta opens/converts PDF files

    i wanted this so long ago that I gave up on the idea. I'm glad you posted cuz I would've never known. thanks!
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    Charging for a Rush Job

    "This place would be great if it wasn't for the f**king government." ~ Randall from the movie "Clerks"
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    Quark Xpress 2024 ver 20.02 font problem

    I haven't used QXP in like 20 years, but back then we had to use a font manager (eg. Suitcase) since Quark handled fonts poorly. I know this post doesn't help, but I do feel your frustration. Back then, the fonts had an ID#, maybe still do? The "same" font could have a different number and we...
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    Quark Xpress 2024 ver 20.02 font problem

    could you have your client embedded the fonts in a PDF?
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    Marks Lead Edge to Trail Edge

    I'd start with printing full flood sheets at 50% of each cmyk color individually. If it shows up only on one color, I'd start with that drum. I did this yesterday and it was just the black drum... cmy were fine, but in a composite, I couldn't tell
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    Xerox fault code 026-401

    i get that once in a while. I restart machine and it clears on its own. Most error codes do not clear when restarting, so i never bothered talking with a tech about this one
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    Print Shop Departments and who goes where?

    does your prepress also do design? If so, you're in a bind as sales and customers want to interface directly with designers. If your prepress also designs and produces, you could sell the sales the team with, "I know you'd like direct access to the designers, but when a client comes to visit...
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    Supplier suddenly cancels service agreement

    I wouldn't have the printers I do without a service contract -and- I do a fair amount of service on them already myself. Maybe consider selling the machines, cutting your loses. If you do need an in-house print shop, then you'll take this experience forward. But it sounds like maybe selling...
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    Ricoh Tech Conversation Today...

    I'd sure like your tech to provide more info as I haven't used PS in a long time! Not to be too cynical, but it almost sounds like he doesn't know, doesn't want to find out, and is trying to get this problem out of his queue and off-load to you? That said, my fiery has crash a half dozen times...
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    Describing color shift tolerance in layman's terms

    I understand the tolerances. But again, OP/Gregg said they were Delta E numbers, not SID. I'm unsure why we're discussing SID? Isn't that obsolete and replaced by Delta E?
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    Describing color shift tolerance in layman's terms

    I'll have to let Gregg clarify, but he did say Delta E and not SID and his numbers match my numbers on my best day. I think his Delta E numbers look great if he's using G7 calibration. The tolerance numbers look tight/good. I feel like I'm not understanding what you're saying. Maybe a third...
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    Describing color shift tolerance in layman's terms

    I thought SID was becoming obsolete and replaced by Delta E? Also, I think OP, @Gregg , said they were Delta Es? I'm unsure what your post was to point out?
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    Options for coating?

    if you find one for a reasonable price, I'd like to be able to offer this to my clients/agents
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    Describing color shift tolerance in layman's terms

    I'm a pretty chill guy and can deal with most whatever, but that is *bleeping* stupid. I hope that was one of the two clients you fired
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    Describing color shift tolerance in layman's terms

    what? those are your Delta-E? from my understanding, only a person with really good eyes -and- understanding can perceive something under 2. In my last shop, we had only one employee who could do that. Anything under 3 is supposed to be fine for the vast majority of people. I wouldn't go the...
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    Printing Solid Blacks

    yes, i do that for digital also
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    Fastest Way to Typeset and Impose Business Cards Using Adobe InDesign & Data Merge

    Did you mention... Data Merge > Create Merged Document ? That's a nice feature to make it into an ID file that contains all the business cards/documents into one ID file that has individual pages of each item. This way, as you get future orders with minor edits to one or few cards, you can edit...
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    Shopping For A Digital Press: Lessons Learned

    lol, yup, and what does the "guarantee" even mean. Do you get a refund if they don't? We had a service contract that said "guarantee", but meant nothing. As for buying a press, I'd recommend that anyone in the process bring their actual paper to a demo. I had a boss buy a machine for mailing...
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    How fuzzy is it?

    i dig it. Bump Robin down, insert UFO
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    One-third of U.S. newspapers as of 2005 will be gone by 2024

    I'm just doing the math from the subject line. If 1/3 are dead as of next year, then 2/3 are not dead. yeah?


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