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  1. P

    Stand Alone Trapping Software

    If you are looking for a stand alone PDF editor that has automated trapping then look at Packz. It is native PDF so your files will not be rasterized or any other non native PDF flavor.
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    Auto populate the Ink Tab

    OK, so here is the story on the Ink tab of the job setup. Initially this was only used in JDF integration. Now you can do it if you have the connect module. What you need to do is use the create job ticket and in the ink fields of that task, use smartnames that resolve the inks. These could be...
  3. P

    plato smart marks

    What do you mean by calculate? Are you looking for ink coverage of all non technical inks?
  4. P

    Imagine engine ticket

    From what I can tell that is not really possible. However there are a few ways to go at this. 1. You can apply all of this in the file via editor (Artpro, Deskpack, PackEdge) and have the rip utilize those settings 2. You can create an exceptions list in the "Image to Screened sepearations"...
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    Esko Automation Engine ticket question from newbie

    OK, devin is correct. If you don't have JDF / XML integration you can do this with workflow parameters. Whenever you create a workflow parameter it automatically becomes a public parameter. Therefore the operator will be prompted to fill in values via shuttle launch.The nice thing is that the...
  6. P

    Convert .txt files to pdf files in AE 14

    The only way I could think of to do this would be with the run script task. You would need a script that would open the text file in a text editor and export it as PDF.
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    Automation Engine - worth it or not?

    Its hard to evaluate the need of workflow without knowing your business / company better. I can tell you that I work for a large Corrugated / Primary packing provider. We have a fully licensed Automation Engine in each of our facilities. We also have our workflow integrated with our MIS system...
  8. P

    Automated Trapping Solution

    I have been using Packz lately. Its a native PDF editor with a fantastic auto trapper. Very fast software (64bit and multi threaded). Not cheap but its speed has helped us justify the purchase vs. trapping in Illustrator or something else.
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    Nesting in Plato

    I do love the plato feature "Runs on PC only". Thats a great asset in a mac only environment.
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    Create impositions in Automation Engine 14

    Esko made it a point to say at past esko worlds that they are a packaging software and hardware company. This being said, I think they made an early mistake in never creating fast impose to run native on the mac. Most commercial shops I have visited run mac's in their production department. It...
  11. P

    Data Exchange for Illustrator settings

    We find it is very helpful to come out of Illustrator as a normalized PDF. With Normalized PDF you get all the extra XMP information that PackEdge can take advantage of (barcodes, inks, layers, named objects etc....) My guess is that PackEdge will open a NPDF with better results then a .ai file...
  12. P

    Plato Moch up with Dimensions

    There is no way to save imp from Plato. IMP was a file format that was used by Esko Fast Impose. If you have that, great! But I am guessing that you don't. What you can do is convert a JDF imposition layout to a IMP via Automation Engine. Then you have the ability to work that imposition...
  13. P

    Plato Moch up with Dimensions

    I believe you can do this with Automation Engine and the Layout module. Its been a while since I have played with the pagination functionality of AE but I believe in the export imp to PDF task will do what you want. See screenshot.
  14. P

    Create impositions in Automation Engine 14

    If you want, send me a link to download your file or a private message on this site and I will give you my email address to send it to. I will see if I can document how to do it. Then you can try my steps and see if the licensing prohibits it.
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    Create impositions in Automation Engine 14

    I have played with it in the past. Its been a few years but it did work fine for me. I do know that you need the layout module for this to work. Did you purchase it?
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    Automation Engine ticket question

    Sorry, there is no way.
  17. P

    WebCenter workflows

    While custom email notifications are possible, it is not easy or convenient. There is no email editor built in the software. You have to go under the hood and edit text files. I looked into it once and figured out that it was not worth the effort. This being said, if you have the advanced...
  18. P

    Make All Layers Visible

    Chev, stop answering your own questions. I was about to jump in and tell you that you could do this with both a Pitstop actionlist and Artpro Actionlist.
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    Esko Upgrade Debacle

    It sucks, but then again we never drop support. Not that we open that many support calls, but the benefit of the support contract for us is the upgrades. We are always looking to increase the automation capabilities via new functionality in new versions. BTW, you should talk to you salesman. A...
  20. P

    convert outline to objects

    what kind of objects?


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