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  1. WI-Flexo

    Font or Text verification (Illinois, USA) (Montreal, CAN) These two are probably your best bet depending on what you are printing. They have some integration with prepress systems and also have press systems that work well. I have worked with them both if you...
  2. WI-Flexo

    Illustrator gradients

    To my knowledge it cannot be done. You can make the appropriate mix in the appearance pallet though with overprinting.
  3. WI-Flexo

    Illustrator paths

    ;) Happy to help!
  4. WI-Flexo

    Illustrator paths

    You have the objects corner radius set as an effect. You need to expand the object (object --> expand appearence) to see the round corners in outline mode.
  5. WI-Flexo

    Task to Change color?

    StillWaiting... Check your messages. I sent you the ticket. It works. Any ???? LMK.
  6. WI-Flexo

    Task to Change color?

    My thought was in Action 1 to remap to a custom color that you make that has values of 0,0,0,0 and then when you convert that to process in Action 2 it should keep the 0,0,0,0. I will try to build it out in the morning and if I get it I will send it to you. If you get it before then let me know.
  7. WI-Flexo

    Task to Change color?

    This can be done in the "Optimize PDF Separations" task. You might need to play with it a little, but off the top of my head I would think using the INKS tab and under Action 1 remap "screen white" to a custom color that is 0% color (maybe "knockout"). Then use Action 2 to convert that to...
  8. WI-Flexo

    Old School vs New School

    Pretty good explanation from Gordos blog In basic terms: It is management's responsibility (with input from prepress, press room, and sales) to establish what the presswork color targets and tolerances...
  9. WI-Flexo

    macOS 10.12 question

    Sorry, Not sure on Nexus. We only run Imaging Engine these days, no Nexus or Flexrip anymore.
  10. WI-Flexo

    Adobe CC Alternative The CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8

    Although humorous for the most part, I can't believe how long you are letting David Troll you guys. You know he represents a tiny sliver of a minority that would prefer using Corel over Adobe. Heck he may be the only one, at least on this forum. It is obvious he has no interest in entertaining...
  11. WI-Flexo

    macOS 10.12 question

    We have tested the following with Sierra (again these are Esko V16) Deskpack, Artpro, Pilot, Shuttle, Action list editor, and the server web interface. We had ZERO issues with anything. It would be nice if Esko would offer known compatibility issues so you knew if they had found something also.
  12. WI-Flexo

    macOS 10.12 question

    Im a little late to the discussion but I can tell you that version 16 DOES work with Sierra. Not positive about V14. We had the same issue with a new iMac and figured what the hell, may as well try Sierra before downgrading the OS. I would say go ahead and give it a try. If you hit an issue...
  13. WI-Flexo

    AE Pilot Job Setup Inks Tab question

    No Title Go into color engine pilot, select InkBooks, File ->New, name the ink book and select pages etc. Then you can enter custom inks by LAB, scanning copy and paste. Then you can use those inks in anything linked to AE (Deskpack, Artpro, Pilot, Viewer)
  14. WI-Flexo

    AE Pilot Job Setup Inks Tab question

    No Title Names must match the inks in your custom book exactly. Try copying and pasting the name of the ink from you book and see if that works. Screenshot attached that show the correct ink on top and the misspelled one below that. Hope it helps.
  15. WI-Flexo

    Image Engine

    YES! Duh, meant Flexrip! Thanks again Andy!
  16. WI-Flexo

    Image Engine

    EskoAndy - I get what you are saying and I understand it is a "new" product. But Imaging Engine is the replacement to AE, so any missing features should have been made clear up front and IMO thats as good as being removed. If Adobe released a new version of Photoshop under a different name and...
  17. WI-Flexo

    Image Engine

    This feature was REMOVED in imaging engine. I know it is ridiculous! Now if you need to re-rip one color you have to rip the entire job. It is supposedly coming back in version 16 but who knows. No one at Esko seems to know why it was removed in the first place.
  18. WI-Flexo

    Custom Spot Color Naming Convention

    We also work in packaging. What we run into is multiple customers that are all packaging say Target store products and they all need "target red". So creating custom colors for each of our customers ended up duplicating a lot of colors. So our naming convention goes: SPL 01234 Target Red =...
  19. WI-Flexo

    Proofing Folded Pieces

    Thanks for the heads up on the FUJI system. I will check it out!!
  20. WI-Flexo

    Proofing Folded Pieces

    All good ideas! Short of a Virtual proofing system it seems that physical mockups are probably the way to go to avoid any confusion. Thanks!


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