Today I was called in to the plant to see if I could work out what was up with our RIP as it was giving various errors as seen below:
Wed 07 Jul 2010 09:22:14: Job Specific Error : Application Error 33328: "Speedmaster 72_092153_1Speedmaster72C00.tkt" in queue "PythonImager" running process 1, "D:\Python\v3.0.0\pythonimager.exe". Message from process: "Error Starting Output. Failed to start exposure: 33328", " Error: e_CoverMonitorSignalled: 20483"
Wed 07 Jul 2010 09:24:58: Job Information job Speedmaster 72_092153_1Speedmaster72C00.tkt: "An error occurred during image exposure.". Error: e_Laser_DeviceBroken: 21767
We use the Highwater Python CTP system and Q2 torrent rip which afaik is a Harlequin re-branded.
We ran the Python self test tool and it came back fine. I thought initially the error was due to a sensor thinking the cover was not closed but I am not so sure now.
Has anyone seen this before or have you any educated guesses as to what could be the issue (beyond the laser actually being broken!)
Thanks in advance
Wed 07 Jul 2010 09:22:14: Job Specific Error : Application Error 33328: "Speedmaster 72_092153_1Speedmaster72C00.tkt" in queue "PythonImager" running process 1, "D:\Python\v3.0.0\pythonimager.exe". Message from process: "Error Starting Output. Failed to start exposure: 33328", " Error: e_CoverMonitorSignalled: 20483"
Wed 07 Jul 2010 09:24:58: Job Information job Speedmaster 72_092153_1Speedmaster72C00.tkt: "An error occurred during image exposure.". Error: e_Laser_DeviceBroken: 21767
We use the Highwater Python CTP system and Q2 torrent rip which afaik is a Harlequin re-branded.
We ran the Python self test tool and it came back fine. I thought initially the error was due to a sensor thinking the cover was not closed but I am not so sure now.
Has anyone seen this before or have you any educated guesses as to what could be the issue (beyond the laser actually being broken!)
Thanks in advance
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