Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone would have an explanation for Indesign CS6 substituting some weird characters whenever an "il" or "io" was in a word side by each, have a look at the attached pdf and let me know what you think. These were substituted after changing some dashes to dots in a phone number on the file in CS6 then writing out to PDFx-4 from indesign, I have tried to recreate the issue to no avail, everything comes out as it should.
Just wondering if anyone would have an explanation for Indesign CS6 substituting some weird characters whenever an "il" or "io" was in a word side by each, have a look at the attached pdf and let me know what you think. These were substituted after changing some dashes to dots in a phone number on the file in CS6 then writing out to PDFx-4 from indesign, I have tried to recreate the issue to no avail, everything comes out as it should.