Enfocus Action - interesting Playing Card PDF building challenge


Well-known member
Hi !

Okay, so we have a customer who starts with a single page 3.75 x 2.75 PDF that represents the back of the playing card.

The also get a 54 page 3.75x2.75 PDF ( 52 cards , two jokers ) that represents the front ( or face ) of the playing card.

What we need is an action list that will duplicate that back 54 times and insert that into the 54 face cards so it is front back front back ... ( or back front back front.... ) so i end up with a 108 page PDF

Go !
That's pretty easy Michael. Can you drop me a mail with the files and I'll send the Action List back to you?
my email is - [email protected]

send me an email and I will send you a link to the PDF files.

Not sure why you would need them but okay.

1 is a 54 page PDF.

1 is a one page PDF.

At the end of the process, i need a single 108 page PDF as described.

But hey happy to send you the link to the 2 PDF files.
Here you go Michael with back added as per your sample.


  • Playing card challenge (with Back).eal.zip
    411.2 KB · Views: 314


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