Acrobat XI (v 11.0.04) Major color issue


Well-known member
Since after we updated our workstations to Mountain Lion and Adobe CC (Acrobat X and XI) we have had some really weird problems with the colors when viewing a PDF in Acrobat. Colors looks dull and desaturated (see attached screen shot). This is not a color settings or soft proof problem. I've tried different standard prepress color settings (Prepress Europe 3 etc.) with the same results. I've googled this issue and found a thread at Adobe Forum but there is almost no response from Adobe..

Is there anyone else who got this problem?

Do anyone knows about a fix for this issue?

If there is any help we are all using Mac OSX 10.8.5 and Acrobat XI with Eizo ColorEdge Displays calibrated with ColorNavigator 6.

Best ragards,


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Since after we updated our workstations to Mountain Lion and Adobe CC (Acrobat X and XI) we have had some really weird problems with the colors when viewing a PDF in Acrobat. Colors looks dull and desaturated (see attached screen shot). This is not a color settings or soft proof problem. I've tried different standard prepress color settings (Prepress Europe 3 etc.) with the same results. I've googled this issue and found a thread at Adobe Forum but there is almost no response from Adobe..

There is lots of response from Adobe.

We have recognized that Apple threw us under the bus with this change in 10.8 and we remain committed to finding a way around it to restore proper color management in Acrobat. Unfortunately, the problem is not a simple one - especially due to the many ways in which Acrobat is used in the print community (let alone the rest of the world). We will get a solution out as soon as we can.
There is lots of response from Adobe.

We have recognized that Apple threw us under the bus with this change in 10.8 and we remain committed to finding a way around it to restore proper color management in Acrobat. Unfortunately, the problem is not a simple one - especially due to the many ways in which Acrobat is used in the print community (let alone the rest of the world). We will get a solution out as soon as we can.

Yes there are some response, but If this were a high priority thing for Adobe I think this would be fixed much faster. The problem was adressed to Adobe over a year ago! I belive you when you tell me that it's not a simple problem but I can't do my work properly because of this problem so I'm a bit frustrated.. I'm suprised that there's not more posts/complains about this issue around the internet. Maybe not everyone with 10.8 got this problem?
It would be lovely with an estimated time from adobe, when they think that this issue can be solved (not just as soon as we can). Maybe we have to revert to OSX 10.7 for a while? Right now we are placing color critical PDF's into Indesign just to see how they look. We doesn't have the time or resources to hard proof every job.
"We have recognized that Apple threw us under the bus with this change in 10.8"

Laughable!! 10.8 Has been out for OVER A YEAR! Another example of Adobe playing the lets blame Apple game. Kinda like its Apples fault I cannot option-zoom in Illustrator anymore. Adobe: Well it's Apples fault. Me: But I could option-zoom in CS6, CS5 etc. for the last 20 years but not CC. Adobes response... Well its Apples fault and we may get you a fix when we feel like getting around to it. And best of luck getting a timeline for a fix.
Apple's thrown plenty of people under the bus with things like fonts, java, color management. I wouldn't lay all the blame on Adobe. Apple gets some credit too.
As an end user I really don't care whos fault it is. I just want it to be fixed as quick as possible so that we can continue doing our job. And since colors are correct in Indesign and the other Adobe apps Im having a hard time to belive that this is a super complex issue that takes years to solve.

Does anyone know about an other PDF-viewer that displays accurate color?
I've now tried the ColorFaker software and it looks like it fixes the issue. Follow this guide if you like to try it:


Start Color Faker and switch it on (important that no Adobe Software is running at this time) - start Acrobat ... go back to Color Faker and switch it off ... since you dont close Acrobat it has the Fake Color in its cache and the preview of the color is as it should.

The rest of the Adobe Suite seems to work normal (Without any guarantee!)


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