Closed Loop Systems used. Anyone still using LithoTel?


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Do any of you guys use LithoTel Closed Loop software on your presses? We have been using it since 2000 and it's worked great. But the software is starting to act flakey and I was going to try to reload it and found out LithoTel closed shop! So I have no one to help me reload the software which makes me a bit nervous.

Secondly, if you all are using a different solution, what is it and do you like it and how much $$?
Used Lithotel for about 15 years on Heidelberg's and older Komori's. What part of the software is acting up, closed loop or density display. What type of scanning densitometer are you using? You are correct Lithotel so longer exists. There are many other closed loop systems out there it just depends on your budget.
We get a "Database" full error when trying to apply a scan. Couldn't find a way to clear the database, other than manually going 1 job at a time and deleting out of the database list. But we even did that and deleted about 20 jobs manually and we still get the database error.

Budget is always a fun factor. Obviously the cheaper the better, but we do understand that you get what you pay for. So I really don't have a budget in mind because I have no idea what the systems cost.
I work for a commercial printer... I just have experience with AutoPilot (RGP) and the X-Rite IntelliTrax, so I would recommend you to have a look at their solutions. You can find more info here: Rutherford Graphic Products
I expect you have tried the usual complete shutdown and reboot method.
Is your system running through your companies server or is it a stand alone system with just the Lithotel supplied computer and all your jobs/scans are saved on that computer.
As long as you have all the required codes and dongle you could try loading the system on another computer if you think maybe the original computer has got corrupted. I know they can store about a 1000 jobs on the system. Are you automatically saving every scan you do? Sorry not much help but I have not seen that particular error on any of our systems.
Good luck
It's standalone. Have done the usuals: Reboot. Defrag. On a Windows 2000 box. Everything is saved to that box. The problem is I don't think it will load on anything except Windows 2000. This system was purchased back in 1999. I think all the scans are saved automatically. I tried to go into the database and remove old jobs but I couldn't find a way to remove all. Had to go 1 at a time. And even after removing a ton manually one at a time we still get the error.

I told a pic of the error. Here it is.


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here's a system that comes highly recommended and wont break the bank. Are you using an Intellitrax or Techon scanner. I think this software will work with either. They dont provide ink key presetting but as you say your lithotel is not hooked up through your server to receive CIP3 presetting files I guess you just need the scanning software and job recall.
Sorry I could not help with the run-time error, seen some before but not that particular one. They have a Rep in California I think.
Good luck
I recommend you try the easy fix first, download CCleaner (free) and clean up your temp files and cache.

If the above doesnt fix the problem then you free up some space in the Access database, try compressing the unused space.
1) Open the Access database
2) Under Tools > Database utilities > click "Compact and Repair"
3) Delete any 'old' data which can be archived off into off-line storage, then compact the database to reclaim space from the deleted data

let me know how you get on
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Hey maas. thanks for the ideas! tried the CCleaner with no luck. Now, I don't appear to have Access on this computer? But I did stumble upon a ColorLinx Maintenance Manager. Tried to launch it but it then asked for a password which I have no idea what it is...
Ok, from this i am more sure that your database is simply full, the only way to adress this is to gain access and delete historic files and for this you will need to log in as an administrator.

I am not a tech so before you start deleting etc copy the database as a backup better yet consult an expert (IT support)

Now the next step is to pause and ask yourself "should I consult a database expert" before you start rummaging around, I am playing devil's advocate here but think of the process along the lines of would you let your cleaner set the rollers on your press, if you feel confident then clean up your datatbase.

good luck
on our system the password was
COLORLINX (Not in capitals though)

Dang. Tried that and it didn't work. You sure would think it would be something simple. rap.

maas, I hear ya on messing around in there. Was just gonna see what options were in there. If it looked complex I was going to look for help. But at this point, we are considering a full re-install. So if I F something up, oh well ;)
I went into the Lithotel manual and it says that the default password is
The default password is COLORLINX
Did you try uppercase?
Another name for the system they use is DYNALINX maybe try that.
i agree on the fresh install, with an older access databse its best sometimes to start from scratch
Would a fresh install clear the database? I'm worried it won't touch the DB and just re-install the GUI.
I dont know if on instalation the software will allow you only to point to a database or configure a database but a quick search on google resulted in a phone number for this company - (Canada) 905-668-3786 try calling them
maas, the phone number you have given him is the phone number for Lithotel which is no longer in business. It is probably left over from a website long forgotten. Lithotel have been out of the printing system business for over a year now.
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Yeah they are gone. Hence my problem. Thanks maas for trying to help me. i have an IT guy I was thinking of talking to and see what they think. but I'm worried the software is so proprietary that no one will be able to work with it.
Lithotel and Colortronix

Lithotel and Colortronix

We use Lithotel and yes they are out of business. The default password is "colorlinx" and is not case dependent however the database is Microsoft Access 97 file format. You will need Access 97 to open the DB. The database name is ColorLinx 72.mdb and resides in the program files Lithotel folder. My database does not have a password. If you restore or to a clean install you will loose all of your colour bar data, curves, jobs and plate definitions. It is likely that your total DB including the Jobs table has reached the 1GB limit. If you can get a copy of Access 97 loaded onto the machine your best bet would be to open the DB, open the JOB table, delete old jobs, close the job table, select Tools-Database Utilities-Compact and Repair Database, and save. Access is not a difficult program to operate but make a copy before you start just in case you accidentally make a mistake.

Lastly, we have used Colortronix as a resource to interface the Lithotel software to our Komori presses. Give Abe Wortheim a call 207-990-8932. colortronix,network presses and presets fountains,prepress, and he may be able to help. They have some excellent computer engineers.


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