
Wish? I rubbed no lamp and no genie came out.

However, it is a reality.

Wishing, hoping and praying are done.

D Ink Man
Hell yeah! Let's hear it for...

Holland, France, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Norway, Pamama, Russian Federation and the United Kingdom.... amongst others.
Well how about galaxy wise; let's include the milky way so everyone is happy. That would be taking a chance though.

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The World my Print Planeters has changed!

Is it because of 'Holland, France, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Guadeloupe, Iceland, Norway, Pamama, Russian Federation and the United Kingdom'?

The answer is a resounding NO.

Guess again my friends.

D Ink Man
I wonder if ?

Like the Brexiters, have you also arrived in " Cloud Cuckoo Land" ?

" Men are so simple and so inclined to obey immediate needs that a

deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions" ----- Nicclo Machiavelli

Regards, Alois
Probably best to leave Brexit out of this thread, the original topic was incendiary enough.
There is no use in providing resentment, jealousy or other emotions that are truly in position to effect all in this world.

And it will be a positive happening for most, no matter what part of the planet you occupy.

Give me a little trust on that one and roll with it. (Note: Trick sentence in this reply) Find it and think about it.

D Ink Man


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