Preps 7


Does anyone know if Preps version 7 is compatible with OS X Mavericks? And as a side question, is Kodak interested in selling their software? We've contacted them a couple of times by phone and email. Were told on phone a salesman would get back with us. Still waiting.
Yes, upgraded to Mavericks two weeks ago and everything is running smooth. I called Kodak first this is what they sent me.View attachment 4213


  • Mavericks.pdf
    12.1 KB · Views: 207
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Thanks so much for the reply. We've had trouble getting Kodak to respond to us. That info helps tremendously.
we had the same issue a while ago about Kodak contacting us. 2 of us sent emails called sales ect. Never received a reply.

Funny thing is we just had a printergy Demo last week. Seems like if you are interested in purchasing the big software they are happy to show a demo. :/
Make sure you upgrade Mavericks to OS X 10.9.3 or else Preps 6 and/or 7 can hose your .tpl and/or .job files when saving.
make me laugh everytime i hear a osx (unix) compatablity issue, just use a PC, they dont have those problems, macs are for designers that like pretty icons, not for production work.
Thanks for your helpful reply cosmo. It really added to the usefulness of this thread.
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I managed to get the name of the Kodak regional rep and after I got hold of him, he got the ball rolling. Received a quote from Kodak yesterday. Was also told the next v.7 update was coming soon and would be Mavericks compatible. Thanks to all for their input. At least those that actually had something to say on the thread subject.
I was actually trying to help, we changed from osx systems to windows a long time ago, we still have a mac, we just play songs out of it now, we got sick of the downtime everytime apple made an update and software wouldnt work. Another thing, all our rips that run the digital, offset and wide format are all pc based, its a lot easier in the end, no matter how much you love mac computers.

Thanks for your helpful reply cosmo. It really added to the usefulness of this thread.


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