Softproofing with Eizo LCD and CP2000 - lighting conditions?


Active member
We are installing EIZO LCD for softproofing with the console CP 2000. Color matching is good, but the picture on the screen is darker than on the sheet. I think the light console is set too high. The monitor is set to 160 cd/m2. Light reflected from the sheet is measured by the eye-one pro (better device is not available at the moment, but for rough assessment, I think, is enough). I measure the light reflected from several sheets of paper, and result is cca 400 cd/m2 at a distance of 50cm from the paper (perpendicular to the paper). At the monitor result is cca 160 cd/m2 (both attached and from 50cm).
Please look at the picture, it shows the measurement method. I think that our results corresponds to 2,000 lux, used for color critical assessment? Our printers facing, time by time, problems with the fact that prints are darker than the customer expects, it may also be a connection?
My idea is add a control unit to the CP2000 and reduce luminance (rather than remove one or two tubes, to maintain uniform illumination) - what you think about it? Does my measuring make sense, or i am making any mistake?
I understand that color match will never be perfect, and for color-critical print we are using hard-proof, softproof is for less demanding jobs.

Thank you all for any thoughts and ideas!

All the best,



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Kamil, I think you're on the right track.

Along with dimming the console lighting, can you get the monitor any brighter?

Have you spoken with GTI or Just Normlicht about this?
We recently tested out an Eizo monitor as well and had the same issue. We found that we could not push the monitor beyond the 120 cd/m2 point without the tone reproduction going a little funny (washed out the very fine highlights on the monitor). We focused on dropping the console lighting. Once we got it to a similar level, it was fine....If you go by the ISO standard, aim for about 500 lx for your console lighting and it works well (we were around 600).

Best wishes on your soft proofing!
BeauchampT, can you confirm that the lighting characteristics remained consistent at the lower lighting level? There was no change in the lighting color, just in brightness, right?

Not trying to be nitpicky, it's just not anything I've tested.
Hi Rich and BeauchampT,

Not, monitor is set near to max brightness (Color Navigator allow 200 cd/m2 max for this unit).
As BeauchampT pointed, with brightness increasing, i am getting worst accuracy, especially in yellow and related colors. With brightness about 100 cd/m2 we have deltaE in yellow about 1, at 160 cd/m2 we have deltaE in yellow 3,5, and at 200 cd we are out of deltaE 5 tolerance.
Lighting characteristics - i am very curious if tubes will keep temperature (hope there dont occur a large change in spectral characteristics).
In few days our technician will instal control unit, I will report progress and results.

Thank you,



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