Offset guy you t*%#er
Offset guy you t*%#er
When are you going to realise that Ryobi 3302/Itek 3985 are TOYS!!!! How many have been installed in the last 12 months??? My guess is NONE. They were great in the eighties & nineties.....But we have moved on....Maybe you should!!!
When are you guys ever going to learn....These presses are over optioned duplicators! For a start your printing portrait - and guess what? you're going to get tail swing because you have the shortest edge of the sheet as your grip so of course you're going to get unstable...
Re: Hamada B452A Mark II
Hi Sonny,
for god's sake don't listen to OG the hamada is CRAP even though they are now tied up with hasimoto they are just RUBBISH.
Re: About Ryobi 582H
Why push Heidelberg etc there's nothing wrong with Ryobi or Sakurai etc. You have blinkers on if you don't investigate all options. Blair, I have a 582 & run colour work all day including a full size colour job I do every month which is 575mm X 450mm & doesn't miss a...
Re: Hamada B452A Mark II
First of all - don't listen to offset guy....he's a total tosser & don't buy a hamada you will have nothing but trouble......Ryobi is your best bet on your budget.
Re: Pressure issue???
Here's your problem.........Your trying to print with a toy.Iteks are actually just about extinct where I am...Perth Western Australia.There are still a few desperado's who still use them, they are only good for simple two colour work. Believe me I used to have one &...
Re: Heidelberg SM 52 vs. Ryobi 525 GX
One factor you must also consider is service back-up I have both Heid & Ryobi & service on both is quite frankly "up the shit" I don't know what country you are in so can't comment on your situation. have you considered Sakurai or Komori??
We have a problem with our avantra 30 - when running 200lpi @ 2400dpi we get error 17 - spin motor error - but running film out @ 1800dpi is fine. I believe it is a problem with the DEC board. HELP!!!!
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