Recent content by THYum

  1. T

    TVI for hybrid screening

    Thanks Gordo, may I ask you another funny question. Do you know what is "P2P" chart? Somebody told me that the figure is shown positive (2.47%) through P2P chart which means the printing machine is no dot gain. Does he right?
  2. T

    TVI for hybrid screening

    So, what ever we set the dot in the 50% area the final result is measured by x-rite that must be 65%. Is this logical? Thanks.
  3. T

    TVI for hybrid screening

    Hi Gordo Let say, if the GRACoL 6 is given us a standard 15% for yellow color. Our printed target is 65% instead of 50% yellow color
  4. T

    TVI for hybrid screening

    Color management Color management From the printed sheet and reported by QuadTech CCS system. A table is shown us the figure at 50% yellow color is -7.41%. So I need someone tell us the real % of the half tone. The -7.41% is guided us how many % screen to set a ICC profile at 50% yellow...
  5. T

    TVI for hybrid screening

    If we set the standard of our printing under the GRACoL2006 coated 1. There is a no. shown us -7.41 at 50% yellow color. What is that means? That means the printed result at 50% is equal to 50% + 14%(allowed TVI) + 7.41% =71.41% or 50% - 7.41% = 57.49%. Which one is correct? Please help.
  6. T

    Press side measurement??

    color management color management I've found that x-rite is easy to monitor the density and dot gain but the press side is monitor what standard you made for color control that emphasis in the gray balance. Is this right?


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