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  1. M

    Fuji Final Proof Error (Blower Unit Abnormality)

    Hello and thank you for responding. While all that seems to make perfect sense, figure this out for me. Why does the blower error only happen when we release more than one job at a time at the rip? Thats what we can't understand. We are fine releasing a job one at a time. As long as we start...
  2. M

    Fuji Final Proof Error (Blower Unit Abnormality)

    Hey folks, Anybody ever have this error on a consistent basis? :mad: Fuji Final Proof (Blower Unit Abnormality) Presently, we cannot queue up more than one proof as a time. If we feel daring and do queue up jobs... we are destined to get a "blower unit abnormality" within 2-3 minutes and have...


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