• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Search results

  1. motormount

    No ink required...

    https://phys.org/news/2017-02-ink-required-paper.html Probably you 've seen it too along with many other things that add to the ''printing is dead'' chain... o.k. printing won't die, but every year less paper is printed, and i just can't help feeling troubled the way things progressing. Even...
  2. motormount

    Print Customers

    Didn't know we got competitors even outside Greece...
  3. motormount

    data flows on multible places on same sheet, printshop mail question

    Graeme thank you very much for your help, but even in that way it's very time consuming. I have a job with 20000 barcodes and 20000 numbers to be printed on pre-printed sheets. Each pre printed sheet takes ten codes, a ten-up if there is such a term. With this method for this job i should...
  4. motormount

    data flows on multible places on same sheet, printshop mail question

    Thanks a lot, i'll give it a try as soon as i can ( one man show here - as in most shops of our size nowrdays - for prepress-postpress, some csr, maintenance, training and whatever else seems to fit in the prepress duties term...
  5. motormount

    data flows on multible places on same sheet, printshop mail question

    Thanks, i 'll give it a try as soon as i can!
  6. motormount

    data flows on multible places on same sheet, printshop mail question

    ok, i found out how to sort out my excel file, (with the vlookup function but if there is an easier way i'm all ears) still i think i'm missing something. Since i'll be doing this a lot from now on, and it doesn't look very productive, what other options do i have? Thanks in advance!
  7. motormount

    data flows on multible places on same sheet, printshop mail question

    First of all thanks for your reply. Merging my data in one pdf then imposing it elsewhere might do the trick, but the xls entries are barcodes. The second solution, i thought of it too, but it falls way out from what i call ''straightforward'' and, i appreciate you understood that in the first...
  8. motormount

    data flows on multible places on same sheet, printshop mail question

    Might be too straightforward but i can't achieve this, or find a similar question on the net... So lets say i have a row of 5000 entries in an excel file, and i want them placed 2 by 5 on each sheet i'll print. (First sheet entries 1-10, 2nd sheet 11-20, 3rd 21-30 etc) So i want 10 variable...
  9. motormount

    Magic photo cubes

    Does anyone knows how's this things are massed produced? A customer wants 3000 pieces, and google search provides me with hand crafting solutions... I think one could print the ''inner'' parts on an ''open'' cube and then use printed sticker to unite the ''folding'' parts, that makes the big...
  10. motormount

    Printer's Website

    :-) ps. sorry for the oftopic, is that possible, someone collect your browsing history just by visiting his site?
  11. motormount

    wet plates out of cleaner unit

    I don't think they sell parts straight to customers and i'd like to bypass the local dealer if this could be possible! Thanks anyway!
  12. motormount

    wet plates out of cleaner unit

    We must change - at least- the middle rollers set of cylinders. Could someone indicate me anyone selling glunz n jensen parts in central europe, preferably? I asked a quote from bob webers site, but i believe custom and shipping rates will be high sending a set of rollers from US to Greece...
  13. motormount

    Standardizing Color

    Even more, can it standardize the printshop's lighting...
  14. motormount

    wet plates out of cleaner unit

    I thought so, had a faint hope that might do with just replacing springs... ( come to think of it, till pressmen flip out with the condition of the plates we won't even replacing springs so why bother asking in the first place? ... )
  15. motormount

    wet plates out of cleaner unit

    Thanks! This is my problem, that the rollers don't squeeze with enough pressure, but more than this the pressure is uneven, so the middle of the plate is - a lot - more wet than the edges. I switched roller positions, only to make things worst! Then i tried putting small pieces of plate...
  16. motormount

    wet plates out of cleaner unit

    Not sure we are talking about the same thing here, ours have one drying unit and channel that spreads hot air all over the plate, and we have no gum rollers, all of them ( 3 pairs ) are transportation rollers, which should dry most of the gum before the plate reaches dryer section... Here it...
  17. motormount

    wet plates out of cleaner unit

    I took some -lousy- photos of how my azura plates come out of the c85 cleaner unit, but i think you'll get the point. Gum is new i cleaned the unit yesterday, and i clean it (major maintenance ) in a monthly basis, even though we usually expose around 500 plates per month. Do you think i could...
  18. motormount

    Epson Redefines Fine Art Reproduction.

    To be honest i came across the wihelm research page, and because of the layout i closed it less than ten seconds later... Seems like i have to give it a try, i was looking more for offset printing aging colors info then. p.s. Looking at page like that, doesn't it makes you wonder how well...
  19. motormount

    Good Financial News

    like most of the series...
  20. motormount

    Epson Redefines Fine Art Reproduction.

    A *bit* off topic here but it makes sense. Does Epson defines somewhere how long and under what conditions a print will last? I was searching something similar yesterday, with very poor results! Thanks in advance!


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