• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Search results

  1. SlaveToTheMan

    Snow Leopard Compatibilities

    Well - yeah. I read about all kinds of issues with production environments & 10.6.x so we're staying away. That and having outdated G5 PPC hardware that won't even run SL helps too.
  2. SlaveToTheMan

    Need you thoughts on a management decision

    That's a trick question - all lawyers are overpaid!! :D
  3. SlaveToTheMan

    FSC approved paper - YOU CAN'T CALL IT THAT!

    Yet another case of rampant greed, bureaucracy & general ignorance ruling the day. I love it!!
  4. SlaveToTheMan

    Is Full-Color the New Standard for Office Documents?

    I'd imagine those businesses you're referring to have tight processes in place to convert color spaces, embed fonts, etc. and generally de-crap the misc file types they receive. Most independent shops can't even be bothered to buy a legit copy of Pitstop, or if they can, they don't go much...
  5. SlaveToTheMan

    Is Full-Color the New Standard for Office Documents?

    Lies, BroderBund 's PrintMaster Platinum is the new tool of choice! See, you can tell it's Professional because it has the word "Platinum" in the title.
  6. SlaveToTheMan

    What does it take to succeed today?

    One word. Kneepads.
  7. SlaveToTheMan

    Storefront(Insite) Version 6 users here?

    We're on the list supposedly. There are enough issues with 5.5 that I'm sure anybody who wants the upgrade can make the case. I'll ask around, see if there's any word on our install date.
  8. SlaveToTheMan

    URGENT!!! Prinergy Workflow Training Video or DVD?

    Yeah, at this point I think you had better fess up to the Employer and hope they let you catch jobs on a folder. I know there are tons of qualified people out of work right now, so essentially taking a job that could have been filled properly was a bad move. Sorry man, live & learn.
  9. SlaveToTheMan


    Got a PS3/Xbox/Wii? That'll kill some time!
  10. SlaveToTheMan

    Stochastic printers in the North East USA?

    I wouldn't worry, this one appears to be a 1 Post -n- Run.
  11. SlaveToTheMan

    Stochastic printers in the North East USA?

    We're located in Baltimore MD and run stochastic. If interested, contact me via PM here & I'll put you in touch with Sales.
  12. SlaveToTheMan

    FSC Logo and its usage

    Right, any designs we receive that are to print with FSC logos are supplied with an FPO version or just an indication from the client regarding placement. Once the live art is placed, it all has to route through an internal CSR to check, and then to an FSC person for approval as well. Yeah...
  13. SlaveToTheMan

    indesign cs4 question

    There's an excellent standalone utlity (Free) called "PDF Multipage Import (OSX)" too - Google it, it will change your life.
  14. SlaveToTheMan

    Quark Launches Web-to-Print Service

    Hey, nobody is jumping on your latest bloated release? Open up a Web2Print site instead! It's the Wave of the Future!! God I love this business, no wonder I have a giant, sinking feeling that's only growing daily.
  15. SlaveToTheMan

    how's business

    Really. May I subscribe to your fabulous Newsletter then? :rolleyes:
  16. SlaveToTheMan

    Air Guitar on-line shop

    I see a glaring problem with your site - there are no MP3 files to download! :p You should make some, with just a hum in the background or total silence. Good job, love it!
  17. SlaveToTheMan

    Looking for facility

    We've started offering Soft Touch Coating, but we're located in Baltimore, MD. If you have an interest PM me here & I'll put you in contact with a salesperson.
  18. SlaveToTheMan

    Prinergy Evo vs Connect

    I'll echo what Kevin said in regards to the main difference between the installs: Automation. We run both a Connect & an EVO, one of each in 2 different locations. EVO's fine if you have to maintain some form of intervention in the workflow and still do all of your impo & prep manually. If you...
  19. SlaveToTheMan

    Quark 8 Marks

    That's Quark - leading the charge in things that have been standard for decades. :rolleyes:
  20. SlaveToTheMan

    Customer Expectation Document

    Seriously, where do these idiots come from?? :mad:


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