• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Search results

  1. dpolglaze

    Workflow, W2P-VDP and Digital Print Specialist

    Career Objective: Fill a vital role in training and development; including systems, applications and sales support. STRENGTHS: Fiery, Creo, Oce, Canon, Xerox, KM, VDP, W2P... Why do I use "vital" in my objective? I believe it describes what I bring to the team: vi·tal adj \'vī-təl\ 1 a...
  2. dpolglaze

    Prod Print & Digital Work-flow Specialist

    As you’ll see from my resume, I have over twenty years’ of print-industry background with a concentration in digital work-flow, VDP, W2P and production. I desire a role focused on training and support and/or programming. I am very flexible on location and type of employment. I offer a complete...
  3. dpolglaze

    Creo Rip or Fiery Rip

    Leaning toward Creo Leaning toward Creo zBret, Probably a little late for the reply, but on these subjects I like to see what others say to see what I can learn. I HAVE USED AND SUPPORTED SEVERAL RIPS OVER THE YEARS in cooperation with both EFI and Creo technical support. I saw exactly as...
  4. dpolglaze

    Direct Mail what software do I need??

    Welcome to VDP! Welcome to VDP! Well, hello Mr. van der Kop! How are things in Venlo? To AJR: As someone who has been involved in VDP since its infancy and has used many applications over the years, I suggest you consider Meadows Publishing DesignMerge. It operates as a plug-in for InDesign...
  5. dpolglaze

    Color Management, What is it really??

    Two more things.... Two more things.... All of the discussion is great and all is valid! If the clients heard us all talking like this we would be in big trouble. I have worked with digital color for years and the one comment I make when beginning to "train" a client is this: Color...
  6. dpolglaze

    Color Management, What is it really??

    Maybe I am getting old, but 2010 is two days away and "Real World Color Management" was published in 2004. Is there something newer that anyone knows about? I realize the concepts and theories are the same, but practice on specific devices, experience and work with experts cannot be substituted...
  7. dpolglaze

    Canon bids to acquire Oce

    From one of the former BEST talents From one of the former BEST talents Oce's CS series digital presses and printers are rebranded KM engines (KM C6500's. As the former National Color Specialist supporting the CS series, if Oce is acquired by anyone other than KM, they will have a very hard...
  8. dpolglaze

    Print Prod & Digital Color Workflow Specialist

    twenty years’ experience concept to distribution VDP - W2P - POD - Mac - PC - networking production and supply-side DESIRE: Training - Tech Support - Pre-sales Technical LAST POSITION: National Color Specialist for Oce North America RESUME HERE: Resume of Dwight Polglaze
  9. dpolglaze

    Ricoh's Ikon acquisition

    Oce CS665/Fiery Oce CS665/Fiery No one is buying Oce because we're not for sale, and we're an extremely strong and agile company that is 130+ years old. Now, the CS665 is a KM engine and our relationship with them is as strong as our company. FYI: With a product called Fiery Central we are...
  10. dpolglaze

    Bizhub6500 with Creo IC-304 00 --- ghosting of reversed white images

    Similar with white halo applied to outline type Similar with white halo applied to outline type The client gave a PDF that looked fine. It was a bus. card and there was a logo made up of just outlined type with a halo applied, and a dark background color. It was imposed on the Creo and the...
  11. dpolglaze

    Looking for employment

    Re: Looking for employment Mark, For CT try http://www.allthebestpeople.com/. Tell Diane that Dwight sent you...
  12. dpolglaze

    staffing companies

    Re: staffing companies Alan, Try these links: http://www.i-recruit.com/printing_recruiters.html http://www.susanlee.com/index.html Go on CareerBuilder, HotJobs or Monster and look up print jobs. Take note of the recruiters or recruiting companies that are posting, and send them your resume...
  13. dpolglaze

    VDP/W2P Project Engineer or Technical Sales/Client Support

    twenty years’ experience concept to distribution VDP - W2P - POD - Mac - PC - networking production and supply-side LAST POSITION: National Color Specialist for Oce North America DESIRE: Training - Tech Support - Pre-sales Technical RESUME HERE: Resume of Dwight Polglaze
  14. dpolglaze

    Looking forward

    Re: Looking forward Jeff, Don't give it up unless you are truly qualified to move into a different realm in the business. I spent years as a graphic designer before becoming more tech, but even then my "portfolio" (which had award-winning work) was not as important as many led me to believe...


A 30-day Fix for Managed Chaos

As any print professional knows, printing can be managed chaos. Software that solves multiple problems and provides measurable and monetizable value has a direct impact on the bottom-line.

“We reduced order entry costs by about 40%.” Significant savings in a shop that turns about 500 jobs a month.

Learn how…….
