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  1. N

    Introduce yourself!

    It is not personal, no apology required. Cheers
  2. N

    Introduce yourself!

    We do not sell air fresheners. They do not burn fingers, and I think you have missed the point. I am a scent consultant, OUR FOCUS is building scent marketing campaigns. The webinar is a campaign about scent marketing- the device we chose for this event is a Aroma USB. We completed another...
  3. N

    Introduce yourself!

    No - we specialize in scent marketing campaigns and use a variety of approaches. It depends on your budget and the actual program, do you have a custom fragrance or will it need to be designed? The application is secondary - the fragrance is the branding element.
  4. N

    Adding scent to a digitally printed mailpiece?

    Respectfully - A study conducted by the NY Times marketing research department discovered that when given a choice between two similar food or beverage products ; 81% of consumers would choose a product that they could both see and smell over one that they could only see. Considering 75% of...
  5. N

    Introduce yourself!

    Hello - I am the scent lady Hello - I am the scent lady My name is Tracy Pepe and I am the inventor of dry diffused scented banners - I have a patent pending on adding scent to fabric. I work with printing, marketing firms to offer scent campaigns to companies. I have been the leading expert...
  6. N

    Adding scent to a digitally printed mailpiece?

    scent is an option scent is an option There are some options to add scent to your request. There are various price points and the ROI on your specific request - chocolate - holidays will be double digit. SO as a process of understanding how to make the most of your return, I would explore...


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