• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

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  1. G

    pitstop preflight

    many Thanks many Thanks Good Morning Mr. Beals, Mr. Jahn, I would like to Thank You both for a generous response to my quandary... i am fortunate to have found Print Planet and the community of experts that it houses, i'll take the directions you have given me and see if i can find my own...
  2. G

    pitstop preflight

    Hello DavidMa, No I haven't tried to build a profile, i wouldn't know where to start!, I just want setting that are concise and easy to use...i am employed by a printing company that does both flexo and Litho...i deal with many designers some great at setting up their jobs for print and...
  3. G

    Preflight or Pre-flight

    Do you think GOD and it doesn't matter whose God had to preflight the universe and all its glory?...(it is sometimes said that prepress is godless!).
  4. G

    pitstop preflight

    is there an accurate preflight setting i could use and trust!?.
  5. G

    Valued Employees

    Your only as good as your last job!...or at least that's what they tell me.


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