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  1. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    ICC Profile Evaluation Print ???

    You "Fundamentaly Understand All of Color Management."- Impressive You "Fundamentaly Understand All of Color Management."- Impressive RE: Grainger Rainbow- What you say on your site regarding evaluating with the Granger Rainbow is very similar to what they say in RWC. Regarding the color...
  2. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    ICC Profile Evaluation Print ???

    Evaluating ICC Profiles Evaluating ICC Profiles Hi Mike: Grainger rainbow has been widely used since it was lauded in "Real World Color Management" in 2003. The authors; Fraser, Murphy and Bunting made the file available and did a pretty good job of explaining its use. I do appreciate getting...
  3. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    ICC Profile Evaluation Print ???

    Evaluation Print setup topic Evaluation Print setup topic reply to opening pdf- yes precisely- you get the "import pdf" dialog box and if you select CMYK as the colorspace for an untagged PDF you are opening, Photoshop assigns the working CMYK color space.
  4. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    ICC Profile Evaluation Print ???

    Evaluation Print setup topic Evaluation Print setup topic One thing I found out during testing yesterday is that Photoshop will always assign the working CMYK space to an untagged PDF file you are opening. Even if the Photoshop color settings are set to keep the existing color space when...
  5. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    ICC Profile Evaluation Print ???

    evaluation print comments evaluation print comments Thanks for the replies from everyone. Rich- that us what I thought- assigning a profile will not change the cmyk values of the original file. However, the file will yield different LAB values in the PCS (Profile Connection Space) during the...
  6. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    ICC Profile Evaluation Print ???

    OK- I have built a profile for ColorBurst RIP OK- I have built a profile for ColorBurst RIP Terry- I want to be sure about your response to one of my burning questions. You wrote: "My guess is Kirk that you didn't *assign* the GRACoL profile but instead *converted* to it prior to dropping it...
  7. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    ICC Profile Evaluation Print ???

    OK- I have built a profile for ColorBurst RIP (think its a good one). What do I use as an evaluation print and how do I set it up to insure I don't mess up the evaluation print numbers (and resulting output.) I downloaded the G7 Digital Press Form 1- CMYK - to use as a test form. It has a...
  8. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    Yet another Ink Limit-Linearization question

    Solid Information Solid Information Thanks Terry, I had the right idea but your specifics give me a clear path on getting there. I appreciate them and more so your willingness to contribute. Thanks. Kirk
  9. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    Yet another Ink Limit-Linearization question

    re CB ink limit and linearization re CB ink limit and linearization Thanks Terry: Right now I am working with a 9600 it has light black, lc, lm. I built an awful profile following the CB process- looking at the neutral graph in Colorthink the Magenta and Yellow lines suddenly drop down to...
  10. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    Yet another Ink Limit-Linearization question

    re-lin and ink limits re-lin and ink limits Thanks for the reply Rich: RE: A. I agree, the rip should relinearize after TIL. I don't think the one I mentioned is doing that - I will check and relin as necessary. RE: B. I understand your response and I think that it is the widely accepted...
  11. keconomos@sbcglobal.net

    Yet another Ink Limit-Linearization question

    EFI Colorproof handles this just fine as do some other rips. A rip like Colorburst Xproof now lacks what I consider an adequate process and I have a couple of interesting questions as well. I am aware of the recommended process, 1. per channel ink limit -peak chroma or min L* change, 2...


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