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  1. R

    Printing onto transparent - dpi issue?

    Thanks Gordo. I'll research them.
  2. R

    Printing onto transparent - dpi issue?

    Thanks Richard, so I'd need a slide printing specialist?
  3. R

    Printing onto transparent - dpi issue?

    Thanks Edward. It's not though a slide as such its an image that an LED light is shone through to project an image/logo as per - But I'm getting tiny fleks of light through some of the printed areas
  4. R

    Printing onto transparent - dpi issue?

    Firtsly please excuse a newbie posting a thread straight away, but searching for some help with a current project. I'm looking to replicate some coloured images printed on transparent paper, which are then used via an LED to project an image. The images themselves are only 13mm and although I...


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