Hi... i from colombia, i living a far far city.. jejeje, so i have many trouble with a plotter epson 10600, This I got from a friend who had it literally archived! ... so did give for me that is good for me and I'm looking fo get good condition to trying to have it fix. but this plotter has been stopped for more than a year (maybe 16 mouth)..

. so it have all dirty, and I think the print-head is also dirty, so i did cleaning very very carefull, my friend said me that the last time was work good and did printing very good quality, but he get broke and close business so put all print and all inside the local and save in ther house and other.
I did call to Epson Colombia (bad support), and where I living now dont have any technical support for this, but they generously sent me the "FIELD REPAIR GUIDE" in PDF file, which I am leading and try to put this in good condition, the plotter is turn on, try to do cleaning process and do all well, dont print nothing 8i think the print-head is dirty) and show in many time the erro code "00010015" (ink tank black overflow), and so I try to looking for internet any solution, but i dont found some with this.. so i try to ask for help from my forum friends, I am the lithography heidelberg technician, I understand something about this but in kodan novajet plotter 750 and other ... epson but not ... then, any help or advice to help me is welcome, I hope in the future assist in any help you have hopefully in my field for heidelberg QMDI. Thank so much... god bless u.