Below is an ad I placed on craigslist, but thought I'd throw it on here, too, in case anyone might be interested. Obviously, I cant install for you(unless you are local to Mpls./St. Paul), but will verify authenticity in any way you ask. This package is still available new for over $500. I am looking for $250, shipped.
This is for Adobe Design Standard CS3 for Windows - Full version, not student. I will meet you somewhere and install it for you(to verify key) or I can deliver.
•Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
•Adobe Illustrator CS3
•Adobe InDesign CS3
•Adobe Photoshop CS3
•Adobe Version Cue CS3
•CS3 Video Workshop
Bought this for a project, but realized too late that I needed CS4. If an older version will work for you, you can save a couple hundred dollars off the new price of CS3, or several hundred off CS4!
This is for Adobe Design Standard CS3 for Windows - Full version, not student. I will meet you somewhere and install it for you(to verify key) or I can deliver.
•Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional
•Adobe Illustrator CS3
•Adobe InDesign CS3
•Adobe Photoshop CS3
•Adobe Version Cue CS3
•CS3 Video Workshop
Bought this for a project, but realized too late that I needed CS4. If an older version will work for you, you can save a couple hundred dollars off the new price of CS3, or several hundred off CS4!