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how to take Multiple Lpi job from Agfa Apogee PDFRip?


Registered Users
I have a job on Freehand with multiple lpi, how can I take output from ApogeePDFRip Series2?

kindly advice.
Re: how to take Multiple Lpi job from Agfa Apogee PDFRip?

Do you have the digital quick strip option and PrintDrive?

Jon Morgan
Hopkins Printing
Re: how to take Multiple Lpi job from Agfa Apogee PDFRip?

no Jon, we dont have digital quick strip option and PrintDrive, we are using Agfa Apogee PDFRip Ser.2 Ver.2.0 with Avantra 44S.
Re: how to take Multiple Lpi job from Agfa Apogee PDFRip?

I used to use the Apogee series 3 RIP, and discovered that we had it set to honor the screen settings in the PDF files when a job ran through that had screen settings encoded in the PDF. We did (and do still) use DQS, and each page was rendered with the same lpi, but different pages on the same flat had different frequencies. After testing, I concluded that there could be only one screen ruling per page. I'm guessing that everytime a screen ruling is encountered, it overwrites the setting for the entire page (flat in your case), resulting in the screen ruling of the last object in the data stream that has the lpi attribute. With DQS, each page is processed independently, and then the flat images are processed (crop marks, color bars, etc.). Without DQS, I would bet that each flat must use the same ruling, because the entire flat is processed as one unit.

The following is based upon my experience with Printdrive series 3, and may not be possible with series 2, and may depend upon licensed options that you do not have. It does +not+ require DQS:

Process a separate job for each frequency. For example, if all images should be rendered with 150 or 175 lpi, process a job that has only the 150 lpi objects at 150 lpi, then process a job that has only the 175 lpi objects. When the two jobs are in Printdrive, click and hold on one job in the job list, drag it onto the other, and choose "move here." The two jobs will be merged together. In the properties/content window, for each flat, double-click on redundant colors (there should be two of each ink listed), and change the image type to "QuickFix/Doubleburn flat." The inks will now be merged when the job is plated. You don't have to worry about common elements (such as color bars) darkening because of overprinting the redundant colors, because they are already screened when merged, and each pixel is either 0% or 100%.

Please post back and let me know wether or not this works, or if you find a better solution.
Re: how to take Multiple Lpi job from Agfa Apogee PDFRip?

I believe that you can embed a call of different line screens on an object by object basis in Illustrator since version 8 - AgfaSet offers tools that enable you to honor these settings - I believe that if you are not on Agfa support and have lost any documentation related to AgfaSet, well, you may need to contact someone that owns and Apogee system and they might be able to email you the details. It is pretty straight forward as I recall.

Hope this helps !
Re: how to take Multiple Lpi job from Agfa Apogee PDFRip?

> {quote:title=Adnan wrote:}{quote}no Jon, we dont have digital quick strip option and PrintDrive, we are using Agfa Apogee PDFRip Ser.2 Ver.2.0 with Avantra 44S.

Not to be presumptuous, but do you want to get the screened files created by the Agfa Apogee PDFRip for use other than output?

For example are you wanting to get the High Resolution Screened Tiff files that the RIP generates for another purpose?

If so, we used to have the exact same RIP and as I remember the files are located in a Raster folder on most likely your :/D drive. (they configured the rip with 2 HD's right?)

Sketchy now, but I believe there are folders:
*To be approved folder (or awaiting approval or raster preview)
*Back Up
*Low Res

It's actually all a blur now. I used to be using those folders every week!

You'll find files with Black_LR.tif, Cyan_LR.tif, Magenta_LR.tif and then ones which will just have Cyan.tif, Black.tif etc

They're the high resolution ones. If you've got an Avantra 44S, they're probably 60-90mb per separation. They take ages to open in a view application!

I have used this to create a control strip for film quality control. Created a 5 step wedge, RIP'd in the AdobePDFRIP. Found the file, placed it in Indesign as I remember and made a PDF and EPS for Preps. Put it on my Imposition. This is so that I could have a control wedge which didn't apply the dot gain compensation to it, while the rest of the job gets the compensation.

You could perhaps setup two queues. One for a Screen 1 (150lpi), one for screen 2 (200lpi), RIP the file. Pick up the Tiff's. Place in Indesign and Combine, cropping out what you don't want from one file. Create PDF. We had errors trying to edit the file in Photoshop as I remember.

Very, very messy procedure though.

2 cents...</div>
Re: how to take Multiple Lpi job from Agfa Apogee PDFRip?

Michael is right. A slight elaboration is simply that any app. that will save an EPS with the halftone data embedded can instruct the RIP to use different line rulings on that element. It's tricky because you have to tell it LPI and angle and if what you specify doesn't match what's in your rule map, it'll bag out to the default. These problems are always buried in the job log messages. Also, Illustrator CS3 no longer passes the embedded data with it's output. It seems that for every one person who was using this to advantage, there was a bunch who were getting odd lpi in placed EPS elements without knowing why so they scraped the feature. Society catering to the lowest common denominator once again.....
Re: how to take Multiple Lpi job from Agfa Apogee PDFRip?

Dear All,

I would like to update that I have finished this task successfully and got output with multiple Lpi job.

Here I like to share what I have done, I simply export my Freehand job to PDF and RIP it with using hot-folder and use attached Image describes AgfaSet settings.

Thanks for your cooperation,

Kind regards,

Adnan Malik

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