Re: HP Z6100 and Onyx RIP - printing SLOW!
The gamut of the HP5500 dye was pretty good - the Z6100 is at least as good (that's what my HP presentations say anyway!). It sounds as if you may be able to optimise your profile a little more.
The crucial parts of the process are the ink restrictions and ink limits. You should use "advanced" ink restrictions and use the new measure tool to judge the "colourant" of the colour in question (Lch values) This is better than using density alone to judge ink restrictions and maximise gamut (as long as you have a suitable patch reading spectrophotometer like an eye 1)
Then when setting ink limits try not to set the 4,5,6 & 7 lines lower than 2.6 - 2.8 as this will eat into your shadow colours and lower the gamut. 1,2&3 can be set to 2.1 or so with no issues. If your media requires you to set these figures lower then you have to accept a smaller gamut - it's the paper and there's not much you can do I'm afraid. One trick is to set the black ink compensation to 4.5 if your RGB & greys are down in the low 2s. This will "fill in" the missing gamut with black - it won't help your gamut much but will prevent a muddy grey appearing in these densities where the darker colour should be - "capping" is the term often used.
The media you are using will probably cockle and cause head strikes if it gets too wet so you may be limited in how high you can set the ink limits anyway.
Onyx are about to launch a profiling "Wiki" - I'm beta testing it now & has of good advice but not as much detail as I would like yet - I'll post here when it is launched.
Your HP has some unique features which you need to understand - "doublestrike" often confuses the issue. I have a post here: which tries to explain how it works.
The 2 way communication is where you set your TCPIP address in "configure printer" I think the button is called "features"
If this doesn't help I would try uninstalling the HP windows driver - Onyx doesn't require it.
There is some more info here: just hit "start search" to see all the posts