illustrator to ArtPro


Lavoro in illustrator con foto in PSD, salvo il doc. ma esso non mantiene i valori OPI, importo in ArtPro 9.0 e lui crea tutti i TIFF.
Job in illustrator with photo in PSD, except the doc. but it does not maintain the values OPI, amount in ArtPro 9,0 and it creates all the tiff.

Lavoro in FreeHand MX con foto in PSD, creo un eps. esso mantiene i valori OPI, importo in ArtPro 9.0 e lui crea mantiene i PSD originali.
Job in FreeHand MX with photo in PSD, I create a eps. it maintains the values OPI, amount in ArtPro 9,0 and it creates maintains to the PSD originals.

Come posso farlo anche in illustrator?
How I can make it also in illustrator?

Sorry my English and thank you.


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