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InDesign Custom printmarks


Well-known member
We have done a ton of research looking for how to get the Quark style print marks .mrk file to work when porting it over from the Mac to the PC for InDesign, so PrintPlanet gurus are my last hope. When we print out a page using the mark we get PAGEMARKS DEFINITION FILE ERROR instead.
Below is the file in full. We need the file ID to print at the top of the page and by default InDesign has no ability to alter the location.

Style (BarsOnTop)
Type FourCropMarks
Length 24
Type RegistrationMark
Count 4
InnerRadius 0 // Omit the inner target.
OuterRadius 6 // Radius of outer circle.
OutLength 12
AlongLength 24
Location <
Side [Top Bottom Left Right]
OutAnchor MidCropMark
OverAnchor Center
MarkCorner MarkCenter
// Color bar, on the upper left.
Type ColorBar
NumberOfCells 12
CellSize 16
CMYKValues [0 0 0 1 // black
0 0 1 0 // yellow
0 1 1 0 // magenta + yellow
0 1 0 0 // magenta
1 1 0 0 // cyan + magenta
1 0 0 0 // cyan
1 0 1 0 // cyan + yellow
1 1 1 0 // cyan + magenta + yellow
.5 0 0 0 // 50% cyan
0 .5 0 0 // 50% magenta
0 0 .5 0 // 50% yellow
0 0 0 .5] // 50% black
Weight 2 // Width of the stroke around each cell
CMYKStrokeValue [0 0 0 0] // Color of the stroke (white)
Location <
Side Left
OutAnchor MidCropMark
OverAnchor EdgeOfPage
OverDirection Top
OverOffset 4
MarkCorner MarkTop
//Threshold and AltMarkDefinition tell InDesign
//what to do with the marks when the page size becomes
//too small to fit the marks along the top/bottom
//or left/right side of the page.
ThreshHold <
MinPageHeight 448
AltMarkDefinition <
Location <
Side Left
OutAnchor OuterCropMark
OutOffset 2
OverAnchor Center
MarkCorner MarkRight
//End of color bar definition.
//Gray bar, at the bottom left.
Type ColorBar
NumberOfCells 10
CellSize 16
//The array of tints printed in the cells:
RegistrationValues [1 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1]
Weight 2 // Stroke width the cells.
RegistrationStrokeValue 0 // Stroke color of the cells (white).
Location <
Side Bottom
OutAnchor MidCropMark
OverAnchor EdgeOfPage
OverDirection Left
OverOffset 4
MarkCorner MarkLeft
ThreshHold <
MinPageWidth 448
AltMarkDefinition <
Location <
Side Bottom
OutAnchor OuterCropMark
OutOffset 2
OverAnchor Center
MarkCorner MarkTop
//End of gray bar definition.
// Page information, at the top of the page.
Type MarkText
TextSize 9
AllPlates true
SamePositionOnAllPlates true
FormatString (%s %s %s - %s - (%s\))
InfoValues [PubName Date Time PageLabel PlateColor]
Location <
Side Top
OutAnchor MidCropMark
OutOffset 4
OverAnchor EdgeOfPage
OverDirection Left
OverOffset 3
MarkCorner MarkLL
//End of page information definition.
//End of MarksArray
//End of custom printer's marks file.
Try this one instead:

        Type FourCropMarks
        Length 15
        Type FourBleedMarks
        BleedMarkOffset 3 //I can't get the Mark to shift 3 points like the Default InDesign one.
        Length 18
        Type RegistrationMark
        Count 4
        InnerRadius 3  //no inner black-filled circle
        OuterRadius 5  //Radius of outer circle.
        OutLength 6
        AlongLength 6
        Location <
            Side [Top Bottom Left Right]
            OutAnchor MidCropMark
            OverAnchor Center
            MarkCorner MarkCenter

    // Color bar, on the upper right.
        Type ColorBar
        NumberOfCells 11
        CellSize 14
        CMYKValues [0  0  1  0        // yellow
                0  1  0  0        // magenta
                1  0  0  0        // cyan
                1  1  0  0        // cyan + magenta
                1  0  1  0        // cyan + yellow
                0  1  1  0        // magenta + yellow
                0  0  0  1        // black
                0  0  .5 0        // 50% yellow
                0  .5 0  0        // 50% magenta
                .5 0  0  0        // 50% cyan
                0  0  0  .5]    // 50% black
        Weight 1 // Width of the stroke around each cell
        RegistrationStrokeValue .65
        Location <
                Side Top
                OutAnchor MidCropMark
                OverAnchor EdgeOfPage
                OverDirection Top
                OverOffset 6
                MarkCorner MarkRight
    //End of color bar definition.
    //Gray bar, at the upper left.
        Type ColorBar
        NumberOfCells 11
        CellSize 14
        //The array of tints printed in the cells:
        RegistrationValues [1 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0]
        Weight 1 // Stroke width the cells.
        RegistrationStrokeValue .65
        Location <
            Side Top
            OutAnchor MidCropMark
            OverAnchor EdgeOfPage
            OverDirection Left
            OverOffset 6
            MarkCorner MarkLeft
    //End of gray bar definition.

    //Page information, at the Bottom Left of the page (Separations).
        Type MarkText
        TextSize 6
        AllPlates true
        SamePositionOnAllPlates    true
        FormatString (%s   %s    (%s\))
        InfoValues [PubName PageLabel PlateColor]
        SeparationsOnly true
        Location <
            Side Bottom
            OutAnchor MidCropMark
            OutOffset -1.5
            OverAnchor EdgeOfPage
            OverDirection Left
            OverOffset 10
            MarkCorner MarkLeft
    //End of Bottom Left page information definition (Separations).

    //Page information, at the Bottom Left of the page (No Separations).
        Type MarkText
        TextSize 6
        AllPlates true
        SamePositionOnAllPlates    true
        FormatString (%s   %s)
        InfoValues [PubName PageLabel]
        SeparationsOnly false //This is not working as I want it too
        Location <
            Side Bottom
            OutAnchor MidCropMark
            OutOffset -1.5
            OverAnchor EdgeOfPage
            OverDirection Left
            OverOffset 10
            MarkCorner MarkLeft
    //End of Bottom Left page information definition (No Separations).

    //Page information, at the Bottom Right of the page.
        Type MarkText
        TextSize 6
        AllPlates true
        SamePositionOnAllPlates    true
        FormatString (%s   %s)
        InfoValues [Date Time]
        Location <
            Side Bottom
            OutAnchor MidCropMark
            OutOffset -1.5
            OverAnchor EdgeOfPage
            OverDirection Right
            MarkCorner MarkRight
    //End of Bottom Right page information definition.

//End of MarksArray
//End of custom printer's marks file.

InSoft Automation

InSoft Automation Unveils Imp Version 14

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