Series of publishing/printing articles for Adobe Illustrator


Active member
Hi all,

We have just published a series of 10 in-depth articles on avoiding Adobe Illustrator publishing/print pitfalls which I hope would be of interest to your readers:

Astute Graphics Blog : Avoiding 10 Illustrator publishing pitfalls

The solutions are based on both native Illustrator tools plus 3rd party solutions including our own (Astute Graphics), Esko's and Worker 72a's.

We are currently concentrating on high-end publishing matters and this week are planning tutorials for Flexo printers, especially with regards to designing-in ink cut-off levels for Illustrator operators.

I hope this is of interest to readers here!

FlightCheck for Adobe Illustrator

FlightCheck for Adobe Illustrator

Great blog post and tips (like the illustrations as well) - Phantasm CS fits perfectly with FlightCheck in an Adobe Illustrator workflow. Not only can FlightCheck Professional v6.75 preflight Illy or .AI files, but it can also package or collect fonts and linked or embedded images or art-work as well. Here is a little video:

Can I preflight and package Adobe Illustrator files? | Markzware

YouTube - Package (and preflight) Adobe Illustrator artwork with FlightCheck


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