Recent content by mcaputo

  1. M

    Fusion Pro Imposer - Stack and Chunking

    Most jobs are between 10k and 20k, rarely do we have something that large. I haven't been here long, but I've already noticed that FP and the machines it is installed on are the bottleneck when it comes to our laser printing department. Well, that and the 3, 20 year old xeroxes. I guess the...
  2. M

    Fusion Pro Imposer - Stack and Chunking

    "If the stack batch output fits evenly into or is the same size as the chunk, then the chunk size is honored. When there is a conflict between the stack size and the chunk size, multiple output files are produced using the stack batch (SxVxH) output size. This is also the case when the stack...
  3. M

    Fusion Pro Imposer - Stack and Chunking

    That is the current method we employ. It is a huge time waster, especially when we have 100k+ records to compose that need to be done overnight. Getting imposed files to break out into chunks is the answer, but how to get FP to process it without erroring out and producing one huge file is the...
  4. M

    Fusion Pro Imposer - Stack and Chunking

    So what you're telling me is you don't know how to use Fusion Pro and its imposer to accomplish the task I am asking for help with. Thanks bud!
  5. M

    Fusion Pro Imposer - Stack and Chunking

    I appreciate your offer Ray, but my company is not in the market to update anything. I am simply seeking the knowledge of using the tools I have access to. The imposer that comes with Fusion works great for small jobs, but when jobs with over 5k records need to be processed, the files must be...
  6. M

    Fusion Pro Imposer - Stack and Chunking

    I do many jobs and most of them are different. From the number of records, to the size of press sheets, to the imposition, and the size of the piece.
  7. M

    Fusion Pro Imposer - Stack and Chunking

    Hi all, Looking for a little insight to an issue I'm having with Fusion Pro. I am attempting to output to multiple files while composing jobs that must be imposed. All of the documentation I have searched for has been vague at best. From what I have gathered, the stack must be divisible...


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