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  1. W

    Indesign CS4 to CS3

    None here MSD
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    Opening .pdfs in Illustrator

    Do - "Command+D" and look at the document properties. Was it made with Illustrator? If not - I would not expect to edit it with Illustrator. MSD
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    Kodak Approval - How do you rate it?

    We have this "High End" client that insists on Kodaks. They are so "High End" that their photoshop files come in without embedded profiles and - of course - all their sRGB photos come into, and out of, InDesign assigned Abobe RGB. None the less ... our HP5500 proofs match the Kodaks so closely...
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    HP z3100 as colour proof printer

    I would agree with Mike Without Destination profiles and source profiles your are guessing at your color Your HP is only calibrating itself with the built in spectro not profiling itself with specific papers and without destination profiles - even just gloss and text - there is nothing to shoot...
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    pdf from Indesign 1 per page

    I suppose you could just export .eps files from InDy and Distill them. That would give you individual - flattened pages. MSD ------ I have book in Indesign - 160 pages. I created ps from Indesign, than distilled it. As a result I have 1 pdf version 1.3 with 160 pages (book.indd.pdf) Question...
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    Adobe InDesign - Nexus 8.6

    You get the "white lines" on the proof and plate or on the screen? MSD - I have an Indesign CS3 file that is a solid background with a transparent CT on top of it. If I print it to Raster/Vector Trap it flattens into a tons of little CT's and I end up with white lines.
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    Cut and stack digital printing help needed

    cut and stack cut and stack You, still, can do it with InDesign. Just make a 250 page document use "multi-page import" to bring in 1-249 in on the one side and then 250-500 on the other side. Should take only a couple of minutes. MSD
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    Illustrator can't use embedded fonts in a PDF/X-1a?

    And ... with regard to the original post ... Illustrator needs file fonts to be installed whenever ANY Illustrator file (with fonts) is opened. - If Illustrator or Pitstop or Photoshop is a PDF editor is not the question here. MSD
  9. W

    Illustrator can't use embedded fonts in a PDF/X-1a?

    AFAIK that is legal thing with Adobe, not technical, where they won't let you edit font in PDF unless you have that font active on the system. ----- Except the poster was not speaking of editing fonts in a PDF. He mentioned "Illustrator" was complaining about missing fonts. Re-open an...
  10. W

    Illustrator can't use embedded fonts in a PDF/X-1a?

    Illy/fonts Illy/fonts The fonts can not be used for what? - the file can not be reopened in Illustrator? - the file can not be placed into InDesign? - the file will not be accepted by the RIP? - If #1 - that is always the case. Illustrator does not embed font for use by Illustrator upon...
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    turning a spread into a single page document?

    In short order, you could - since they are "facing pages" - Export from Quark, as single pages, to PDF as postscript - 4 side bleed - no marx distill build an InDesign document bring in the Quark PDF with multi-page import use build booklet to create the imposition print to postscript distill...
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    map spots

    With Acro 8, one could map spots to other spots and process colors using the color conversion tool (the small rainbow icon) In Acro 9, that same tool seems to only allow me to convert Process colors to different spaces. Does it work with spots in another manner or what is the new versions way of...
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    Printing Multi Page Docu 4 up and Collated

    The "Multi-page Import" will do that. MSD
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    Pitstop User Selection Ignored!

    I think that was a known issue with 7.5 (or 7.0) in Acrobat 8 Fixed in Pitstop 8 and Acro 9 MSD
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    Postscript involved when export PDFX1a from ID?

    I would say not ... different language MSD ----- Is Postscript involved at all (such as background conversion from ID to ps to PDF) when doing an export as PDFX1a from InDesign CS4?
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    Rampage to Heidelberg

    Has anyone switched from Rampage/Preps to PrintReady/Signa? --- I was on Rampage /Preps for 6 years. Now Meta/Signa for 5 years (1 year with the Adobe PDF Engine). Basically, I would pray that I would never need to touch Rampage (especially Preps) again. I loved it (back then and was a very...
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    Indesign CS4 and Quark 8 pdf

    Set your "Quark Export to PDF" to create a PostScript file - then Distill. That way - Adobe creates the PDF instead of "JAWS" and InDesign likes that. Works every time. MSD --------- I'm having a big problem recently since I installed Indesign CS4 on Mac, the problem is when I have a pdf...
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    Printready workflow access

    Thank you, I will give it a go tomorrow. MSD ----- ]In cockpit go to administration and add each user and add them to a group Go to your printready PC server right click on my comptuer/manage User and group then add new user same as you did in cockpit. Add each user to the administrator group
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    Printready workflow access

    Could anyone walk me through the steps to re-install our user passwords for our MACs to connect properly to the Printready Server. We updated several MACs (intel+ppc) to Leopard this week. We got everything going just fine with all of our servers and networks except we,now, all need to log into...
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    Photoshop CS4 System Requirements

    It bogs down my entire computer when it's open and not even doing anything. Not sure if that is normal, but if it is, I don't know if I'd WANT to run it on anything lesser than a G5... ----- After this thread began - I wiped my old Powerbook G4 and reloaded a new copy of Leopard. The entire...


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