Search results

  1. ColorMonkey

    Any Ricoh 9210's Out There??

    We only have one 9200 and the amount of work an avg has been maybe 4-5hrs a day on that particular machine. Due to Covid our work load has suffered. However, assuming you are comfortable to work on machine it really is a stable and needs very little attention, meaning maintenance. I will say I...
  2. ColorMonkey

    Variable Click Charges, Color Profiles, and Service Contracts

    I remember a while back asking EFI if there was a way to process a job and have it feed back the number of pages that would click color and click b/w. Of course this would be based off of the particular properties that will be applied to the job. This I know would help so many however all I got...
  3. ColorMonkey

    Variable Click Charges, Color Profiles, and Service Contracts

    I'm assuming in CWS under color settings you know about CMYK/RGB print black only settings and how that works correct? I or someone can help you with that however I don't want to make a long post covering stuff you may already be familiar with. It sounds like this may be one of the issues your...
  4. ColorMonkey

    Pricing digital?

    Holy necro batman!
  5. ColorMonkey

    Problem getting parts for Ricoh 7210sx in Canada?

    In the NorthWest, US and haven't had any problems. Seems business as usual down here anyways :unsure:
  6. ColorMonkey

    Error 21 on MBO B120 machine

    So usually its related to timing of the sheet passing the photocells. In the parallel unit are you having trouble feeding? Usually to get rid of it free the jam, first hit the red button then the black (stop rollers/begin rollers) and that should clear the error. Also I believe where the double...
  7. ColorMonkey

    Xerox Iridesse Info Needed

    Wow that's impressive then. Yea I ordered the sample book can't what to see the samples first hand!
  8. ColorMonkey

    Xerox Iridesse Info Needed

    I too would be interested in some operator feedback. I heard these machines had issues out of the gate with opaque white I recall? Would like to know how well they run in general using the 5th/6th stations especially the metallic spots. The sample book looks pretty cool but Ricoh's 5th station...
  9. ColorMonkey

    Ink chip resetter for ALL existing Mimaki ink types

    Ha got a chuckle out of that. I remember finding a workaround to reset the waste tanks on an IPF 9100 Canon we had which was great considering they were $50 a pop back then. Although really you could only reset twice at most but saved money and never caused any problems in doing so. Worked great...
  10. ColorMonkey

    Changing to Pantone Spot Colours in PDFs

    Unless things have changed I believe Substitute Color will only work with vector objects. I agree with jwheeler though, SC is something that does work very well if you are able to find the values to replace.
  11. ColorMonkey

    Ricoh Toner Streaks…

    So I don't have much input other than I know two lines as such if they are less than 1/4" from each other or and running parallel with the lead/tail edge, this CAN be an issue. So myself, I have only found this to occur with gloss and synthetics. Also generally tords the tail of the sheet and...
  12. ColorMonkey

    Any Ricoh 9210's Out There??

    Actually I haven't had a tech out here for about 8 months. My tech is also a good friend and its seems it's business as usual in his territory. We are in Oregon so not sure if that makes a difference or not. I agree though the TCRU program is such a time saver, not having to depend on a tech's...
  13. ColorMonkey

    Any Ricoh 9210's Out There??

    Absolutely love it! Very consistent color outputs even months later. Very low maintenance, as long as your comfortable replacing parts (TCRU). Really I have no complaint yet and we have had it about a year. Is there something specific you are curious about?
  14. ColorMonkey

    Uncoated 20# Bond Wavy after digital printing

    So I'm assuming the reams are wrapped. Is the paper after being removed from its wrapper sitting for any length of time before running? Also have you tried LEF as well as SEF as well as both seam side up as well as seam side down. Those are some things I might check to see effects. Is this...
  15. ColorMonkey

    Reasons to not edit images in Acrobat?

    Yea I have to say that if your sending your Packaged files to a printer, she really should not be doing this. I agree she has good intentions however she is throwing a possible monkey wrench into the process for possible edits after you submit to your printer. Gregbatch nailed it on the head...
  16. ColorMonkey

    Question: Setting MBO Rollers

    So I thought so that is the method I was taught by an old MBO tech years ago. It just has been mentioned through the years that First Method one is the correct way. Just trying to gauge which one people practice and why one is better than the other. Thanks for the response though appreciate it.
  17. ColorMonkey

    Question: Setting MBO Rollers

    So not for setting up jobs, more so the calibrating of them. I have heard two different ways of doing this. First method is one strip of paper across all roller gap settings and then with one strip of same paper 2-3" wide, set the roller until you feel a slight tug. Second method is with...
  18. ColorMonkey

    Different fusers for different paper sizes?

    So the smoothing feature is definitely your friend. However, like msaeger stated, that part does wear out after some time but you can monitor it's life in the CP. It is advised to swap between fusers for size of sheet but even then you would still need to use the smoothing function so tbh, it...
  19. ColorMonkey

    Muller Martini Suckers?

    Just saw this thank you for the explanation. I assumed that was case but wasn't sure. Appreciate it!
  20. ColorMonkey

    Folding and Grain...

    One the letterpress try using .900 rule when scoring across the cylinder and .895 going into the cylinder. Also sometimes 1pt rule (you will need proper matrix to run this) will work better when scoring with the grain and 2pt when scoring across the grain. This is assuming your packing is set...


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