• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

Search results

  1. TJ-421

    Pitstop Data Matrix Generation: sheet number/count variable vs page number count, or variable manipulation?

    I'm sorry to hear it, but appreciate the feedback. Unfortunately we're not Switch users, so I'll have to look for another solution. For background, we have a vendor trying to sell us Ultimate ImpoStrip for variable barcoding, but that application duplicates the imposition functionality (some of...
  2. TJ-421

    Pitstop Data Matrix Generation: sheet number/count variable vs page number count, or variable manipulation?

    I'm trying to use PitStop Pro (V23)'s Add Data Matrix action to create a 2D code containing sheet number, sheet count and our job number to add to booklet impositions, for finishing on our newly-acquired Ibis Smart-binder. I've worked out the basic 2D code setup, but the baked-in variables are...
  3. TJ-421

    Changing cut sheet size for Epson P9000

    I've got a P9000 I'm using for color prints from a 36" roll and imposition proofs on 42" x 33" sheets. That sheet's getting harder to come by and we're looking to switch to 40" x 28", but I can't seem to find where I tell the printer that's the new size, and my proofs come out offset like it's...
  4. TJ-421

    Prinergy–RBA Archive by due date?

    Thank you, I'll start playing around with that! -TJ
  5. TJ-421

    Prinergy–RBA Archive by due date?

    I'd like to automate archiving for the digital print side of my shop, as our workflow doesn't bring us back to Prinergy at the time of releasing a job to production (where we'd have an opportunity to start a timer linked to the "completed" job status). So there's a thing I feel I should be able...
  6. TJ-421

    impo software choices...

    My experience is limited to Preps, Metrix and SignaStation; of the three, I recommend Metrix. My Preps experience is at least a few versions old, but I don't remember having ever liked their interface; I've been working in SignaStation for the last two years, and I'd say it does 90% of what I...
  7. TJ-421

    Imposing 2 books on one sheet

    It's not my favorite program, but if your page counts were equal (or you could add blanks to make them so), you could impose them cut-and-stack in Signastation. If Metrix can do it now, if investigate that route first.
  8. TJ-421

    Prinect vs. Prinergy

    I started learning imposition in Metrix with a Prinergy workflow (OSX), and have since spent the last year and a half working in Prinect/Signa, also in OSX. On the imposition end, I find Signa to be a little too "helpful" in telling you how many pieces up will go on a given press sheet size...
  9. TJ-421

    Imposition Upgrade or New Imposition

    I briefly used Preps in school, spent a year doing production imposition in Metrix a couple years after that, and have now been imposing in Signastation for a little over a year, with a year's break doing other work in between. That is to say, I can't offer a direct comparison, but felt I had...
  10. TJ-421

    What book are you currently reading?

    I periodically re-read David Simon's Homicide: A Year on the Killing Streets–"dull" isn't an adjective I'd choose, although Simon's portrait of Baltimore is less than complimentary in its own way...
  11. TJ-421

    What book are you currently reading?

    Just finished The Hunt for Red October...basically an IKEA catalog of military hardware with some people running around inside it. I'll stick with Tom Clancy-based movies from here on out and take a pass on his books.
  12. TJ-421

    Introduce yourself!

    Hi, all! I signed on a while back and have already benefited from a couple of pointers here, but haven't been by to sound off on this thread yet. I don't spend an awful lot of time trawling the forums, but here's me: I'm a prepress operator with a little (rapidly-fading) mailing experience...
  13. TJ-421

    Spot colors and Pitstop remapping

    I'm trying to create a pair of Pitstop actions that will remap an FPO spot color to a non-printing separation and back, and am finding that the same spot color with the same name and the same CMYK build is not being handled consistently depending on where the spot was generated. For a bit of...
  14. TJ-421

    Preventing PR3.5 from converting dieline spot color?

    I've started using Printready 3.5 and am curious if it's possible to prevent its spot-color-to-process processes from converting a custom dieline/FPO spot color to process on me. Any thoughts? Many thanks, TJ


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