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Search results

  1. R

    Securing Screen-4300 for transport

    mutti8000 this was in no way questioning your ability. As a matter of fact there is nothing I like to see better than a customer trying to understand there equipment. This makes troubleshooting over the phone easier. I see your point fully. As a certified screen engineer I signed a contract...
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    Securing Screen-4300 for transport

    Peter Is Viprofix willing to repair the customers PTR if it is done incorrect or something is damaged. If so will this be at Viprofix's expense. I know you are trying to help the customer and show being the hero. I dont know if Viprofix a certified screen service provider? If so do you have...
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    Anyone using Trueflow from Screen?

    viofems. your question has left you open to extreme answers. First of all, is your company looking for a workflow or just a RIP, you have to ask yourself these questions. What are my speed requirements, What is my growth projection, and last but not least what is my budget. I am certified...
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    Securing Screen-4300 for transport

    yes.... please call your local certified screen service provider to schedule for an engineer to do this. I don't recommend you doing this yourself because incorrect lockdown together with a bumpy ride will make your PTR a Pile of Trash Regretably (PTR). if you need assistance in finding one you...
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    Fuji platesetter/processor proprietary???

    A little info A little info Hey pressmans pride can I get a copy of that PDF my email is [email protected]. This oem shoving up my customers @$& is killing me.
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    ECRM Imagesetter / Processor / Plus Several Rips for Sale

    My customer is looking for a mako 36 imagesesetter. do you guys still have the unit for sale? email me at [email protected]
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    Processless plates and dot gain.

    Derek may have a point. the pressman maybe washing the blanket with something that is eating the plate and it is eventually washed off with the fountain at a certain number of impressions but not untill it takes its toll on the dot. Normally this might not be seen but you may have a few things...
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    Processless plates and dot gain.

    At this point I dont recommend you switching. everyone who post to this site is always trying to switch people to there better product. Lets get you answers so that you may understand what is going on. Not switch you to another set of issues. Every Manufacture has there issues. no one plate is...
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    Processless plates and dot gain.

    As they suggest I would have someone onsite. Understand that normally if its a fountain solution problem the image will eventually dissapear. If you are telling us that the image loss is happeneing from 1000-2000 impressions but holds when it gets to a certain percentage then its not the...
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    Screen Parts

    I am looking for someone who is parting out a Screen PTR 4300 or any other PTR devices.
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    Making the Leap

    unless you can not wait unless you can not wait a used screen 4000 series platesetter is what i would suggest....
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    How do I add Devices

    Rampage Rampage Mandy I am sorry to hear about your catastrophe. If your shop has critical work May I suggest actually calling Rampage or getting a Rampage certified technician there. You are also missing your curves that make your make your workflow linear. (That is if you are running...
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    Help sending 1-bit tifs to screen 8600

    hummm. it sounds like the operating system does not want you to access that file. did you make a seperate folder and set permissions a correctly.
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    Sun Chemical inks experience

    you get what you pay for. The most expensive item in ink is pigment. Cheaper ink means less pigment and more junk this makes sense nagrom...cheaper may sometimes require head replacement sooner. regardless in my experience cheaper is not the way to go unless you have free heads and have the time...
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    basys print UV setter 850

    You can speak with Terry Allen of spectrecom in north Los Angeles. He services and installs these machines and in my oppinion is one othe best
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    Is possible to do this?

    with such a small run processless seems to a logical choice for you. Also there is the Fuji Pro-T brand. I am sure that Fuji has a dealership somewhere in mexico that can assit you. FUJIFILM MEXICO is the website in mexico that supplies everything you need
  17. R

    pro-t wearing out

    Wearing out. can you explain wearout? the whole plate or spots. Are you using a one step or two step fountain. Is this the new proT or older. there is a few things that we need to clarify before proceeding. Wearout can happen everywhere even with a low quality paper. the alkalinity maybe killing...
  18. R

    PTR-4300E error :5167

    I am a certified screen technician. I can tell you that no one will provide you with a manual. This is against the signed document every technician signs before getting certified. I can assist you... this could be more than just a squeeze roller issue. It could be that the information from the...
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    Fuji platesetter/processor proprietary???

    I was a Fuji technician and was recently let go. I can tell you Yes this is propriatary but the FLP850 and Saber can be driven seperatly from a couple keystrokes and set manually. I am fully trained on both and have full knowledge. Email me and I can be of assistance


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