• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

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  1. SlaveToTheMan

    Miss the old PrepressForums Slight Return

    Re: Miss the old PrepressForums Slight Return Man, it's Friday ffs! What else are we supposed to do except talk nonsense? Work?? I think not.
  2. SlaveToTheMan

    Miss the old PrepressForums

    Re: Miss the old PrepressForums If only you had an email address, the Way could be shown to you . . .
  3. SlaveToTheMan

    Whats the best way to place a 300 page pdf into InDesign?

    Re: Whats the best way to place a 300 page pdf into InDesign? Not sure if i was mentioned here, but there's a script called "PDF2IDCS" that will handle this also. It's simple, relatively fast & has saved my bacon on numerous counts! Oh, and it's not $250 either. B-)
  4. SlaveToTheMan

    How do I view .ppf files?

    Re: How do I view .ppf files? It was over on the PPF boards, can't recall which section though. I wonder if you can install InkPro without a license. I'm not sure what you're going to be able to "preview" exactly however.
  5. SlaveToTheMan

    Fonts appearing as Unix files

    Re: Fonts appearing as Unix files Very interesting, but why even use Stuffit to open a .zip file? I'll have to try that anyway, just because I'm curious. Edited by: SlaveToTheMan on Sep 14, 2007 12:21 PM
  6. SlaveToTheMan


    Re: Podcasts This American Life (The wife's an NPR fan, turned me onto it) MobuzzTV, video cast - if they can get a new host anyway. It's kind of floundering right now. The Onion - 'nuff said! I don't have much downtime to listen to lengthy shows. 12 minute commute and maybe 20 minutes on a...
  7. SlaveToTheMan

    Miss the old PrepressForums

    Re: Miss the old PrepressForums In all fairness, that was an initial response when the split occurred, true. Now that "Other Forum" has moved on to be more like the atmosphere that the old PPF had going. Where' s the harm in having members on both sites exactly? Foster a sense of community...
  8. SlaveToTheMan

    Font Management in OSX

    Re: Font Management in OSX I must be in the extreme minority here, because Suitcase X11 works fine 99.9% of the time here. Activating fonts from a Brisque server no less. I guess the old adage "whatever works for you" is in full effect for this topic!
  9. SlaveToTheMan

    Gadgets you can't live without

    Re: Gadgets you can't live without Yep, I have [WindowShade X|http://www.unsanity.com/haxies/wsx|WindowShades X] installed & it's one of the first things I put on +any+ new machine. I've heard some complaints/comments that Unsanity's Application Enhancer renders the System unstable, but I've...
  10. SlaveToTheMan

    Kodak Prinergy vs. Heidelberg Prinect

    Re: Kodak Prinergy vs. Heidelberg Prinect We're in the beginning stages of switching to Prinergy also, Prinergy Evo to be exact. Just had the hardware installed Monday & working on training the next coupla days. I'm doubting we'll miss the Brisque either, but it sounds ike it will stay around...
  11. SlaveToTheMan

    Go to "Newest Post"?

    Don't see any real Forum Feature threads any more, is there not a way to jump to the "newest Post" since last viewing a thread? I see the one to go to the Last Post, but that's not really useful.
  12. SlaveToTheMan

    Graph Expo

    Re: Graph Expo Yep, the Bosses are out there now. And here we are, stuck in the Sh*t as always. X-(
  13. SlaveToTheMan

    Need a browsing program

    Re: Need a browsing program Ahh, the one-click requirement gives it an interesting twist. I'll look around, I live to research stuff like this. If I find anything promising, I shall return! :D
  14. SlaveToTheMan

    Need a browsing program

    Re: Need a browsing program Not really the solution you were after, but how about running multiple monitors? Many vid cards these days have the ability to support 2 monitors, you could keep all those Watched Folders on the 2nd monitor. And with another piece of hardware, you can drive several...
  15. SlaveToTheMan

    Nexpress vs Indigo

    Re: Nexpress vs Indigo If you load an imposition template created in YoursTruly onto the press, the Indigo will do anything you give it - including a saddle-stitched book with bleeds. Unless I'm reading the question incorrectly.


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