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Need a browsing program


Active member
I have to keep up to 10 windows open on my desktop at any one time, to see files as they drop in for me to work on. All those windows are very cumbersome.

Does anyone know of a Windows Explorer-type application that allows me to watch the contents of multiple folders at once?

Thanks for your help,

Re: Need a browsing program

Not exactly what you're asking for, but something that might work: http://www.torgesta.com/mytrigger/

It's a nifty application I've used in several process automation "situations". You can basically set it to watch a set of folders for you, and an incoming file will "trigger" a response you can configure. When a trigger is tripped, it runs a program. I usually write a program to do whatever it is the client wants done, but you can set to run anything, including just playing a chime, for example.
Re: Need a browsing program

Thanks Thomas, but it's probably more complex than I need. I simply want to be able to view a bunch of folders all at once.
Re: Need a browsing program

Not really the solution you were after, but how about running multiple monitors? Many vid cards these days have the ability to support 2 monitors, you could keep all those Watched Folders on the 2nd monitor. And with another piece of hardware, you can drive several monitors, if you wanted to go completely nuts.
Re: Need a browsing program

Ha ha! Yes, you're right, it's certainly not the solution I was after.

Desktop space isn't the issue. I just want to be able to open a set of folders with one click, and minimise/restore them with one click as well.

Windows Explorer only allows one folder to be viewed, as far as I can tell.
Re: Need a browsing program

Ahh, the one-click requirement gives it an interesting twist. I'll look around, I live to research stuff like this. If I find anything promising, I shall return! :D
Re: Need a browsing program

Windows Explorer can LIST multiple folders in the left pane, and allows one-click access to child folders. Perhaps create a "Master Folder", and inside of it put shortcuts to all of your work folders. When you "Explore" the master folder, you can get one-click access to all your other folders.

Also, when you click a folder on the left pane in Explorer, it will tell you how many Objects there are in the folder down in the Status Bar. Make sure you have a check box next to "Status Bar" in the "View" menu.


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