• Best Wishes to all for a Wonderful, Joyous & Beautiful Holiday Season, and a Joyful New Year!

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  1. S

    Acrobat and Flightcheck

    Haven't got a solution, but have an acceptable work-around. I tried using FlightCheck on an InDesign file, and the same Acrobat error message came up. Yikes! So I went into FlightCheck's Preferences and, under "Automation," turned off the "Open File In" feature (which was set for Acrobat). Then...
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    Acrobat and Flightcheck

    Argh. I'd be willing to try re-installing Acrobat as a last resort (which would mean having to re-install PitStop as well). I'm not sure if I can set up a test user account, because this is a government agency and the licensing was purchased by IT (who set up specific corporate accounts for the...
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    Acrobat and Flightcheck

    Yes, same error, though it didn't come up as quickly. Tried a PDF on our server.
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    Markzware Announces InDesign-2023 & Affinity Publisher-v2 Support

    I have OmniMarkz. Just beginning to play around with it. The PS font issue will be significant, if indications are correct. Converted a PDF to InDesign and the fonts were a mess. Using a Monterrey iMac.
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    Acrobat and Flightcheck

    Tried the first option; no success unfortunately. Flightcheck still generates the usual report and folder, though. I tried this also with Acrobat closed; Acrobat wouldn't open. Oh, well. It's only an extra click or two, but the PDF should open automatically. As for anti-malware software, none is...
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    Acrobat - (2022.003.20310) - Ventura vs Big Sur

    Same here. The option is on my Monterrey iMac as well. Looking for a way to disable the home screen, personally.
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    Acrobat and Flightcheck

    Hello, Working with the latest Flightcheck and there's an issue with opening PDFs. When a PDF is flightchecked, it's supposed to open automatically in Acrobat. But I get an error message that Acrobat can't open the PDF because it can't find it (it's on the desktop). I took this up with...
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    Does flattening a transparency affect type?

    I downloaded the Ghent Group PDF/X Workflow PDF. Is that the one? Will start reading when I get a chance.
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    Does flattening a transparency affect type?

    I asked the bindery supervisor to run a couple of copies of the non-flattened file when he has a chance, on the same stock preferably. That should be instructive. I used Flattener Preview in Acrobat to flatten the job. As said before, it looks fine on screen. But yes, if I preview flattened...
  10. S

    Anyone still using a Postscript workflow?

    The only option I get in Setup under Colors is "Composite RGB;" whether I use Save as PDF or Save as Adobe PDF. Running them both through Flightcheck, the "Save as PDF" version shows as RGB and ICC color, whilr the Adobe PDF version doesn't but flags transparency issues (no transparencies in the...
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    Does flattening a transparency affect type?

    We had a job going to our Canon ImagePRESS C10000VP and the PDF was using transparency on a background photo which has knockout type on top. I flattened the transparency, and the type appears heavier in spots; under a loup it looks to be spreading in areas where the background has more screen...
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    Anyone still using a Postscript workflow?

    If I'm working out of Quark, I save as postscript then either distill it or run it through our Xitron Sierra RIP to get a usable PDF. Another option will be available if we get the software suite we ordered; I'll be able to export any Quark files into InDesign (using OmniMarkz) and generate a...
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    Newspaper Executive Says Newspapers Are Finished

    It will be unfortunate for newspapers to go away. They offer something TV or other media doesn't, always. Newspapers go into more detail on stories; TV goes for sound bytes and (sometimes) misleading summaries of stories absent context. How a story is reported is as important as what is...
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    CS6 and Apple OS

    Thanks, I'll check into those when/if I get around to Catalina at home. At work we should be good, as we have the CC 2019 Adobe software so I haven't had to use CS6 lately. But my co-worker's had issues with his CC subscriptions and has used CS6 as a back-up. I don't know if that's resolved.
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    CS6 and Apple OS

    Ok, thanks. I really don't use my ID CS6 at home for anything heavy duty, so I'm good; I do Sunday school lessons with it. And thanks for the info on CS6 being 32-bit. In fact, at work there's an OS upgrade to Mojave in the works, and we'll have to upgrade our PitStop Pro 2017, as it isn't...
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    CS6 and Apple OS

    According to the chart, InDesign CS6 works with Mojave. That means I have the option of going to High Sierra or Mojave. I have Sierra on my iMac now, and keep getting the "Upgrade to Mac OS Mojave" prompt. I also have a webpage bookmarked for upgrading to High Sierra. Maybe I should partition...
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    Working with client supplied files and white ink

    I always figured you'd just use 0% of a color rather than white anything. White tended to overprint . . .
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    Epson 9900 Failed Cleaning

    UPDATE: the printhead was replaced. We're trying to get a P7000 to replace the 7900. Things are moving VERY slowly with the procurement and IT folks.
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    Epson 9900 Failed Cleaning

    We're getting the same message on our 7900. Numerous attempts to clean have all failed, as has rebooting the machine. Nozzle check reveals that only the Light Light Black is affected; even trying a nozzle clean on an unaffected pair failed, though. Everything else is perfect on the nozzle check...


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