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  1. J

    Tolerance for misregistration

    According to "medien standard druck"in Germany (Fogra, BvdM). is the tolerance half of the screening. example: with a screen 60L/cm the tolerance is 83 µ. 1cm/60=0.01666cm x 0,5 = 0.0083 cm = 83 µ
  2. J

    LAB for Papertype 3 (LWC Improevd and Standard)

    You can download the values of L*a*b* at: bvdm | Downloads you need to download: MedienStandard Druck 2010 – Technische Richtlinien für Daten, Filme, Prüfdruck und Auflagendruck (Update, April 2010) on page 11 and 12 you can find the right values. you need to register before you can downlaod...


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