[email protected]
We just upgraded from CS2 to CS4, and we can no longer run in "classic mode," which leaves me in a dilemma. We are using an AS400 data base. Before CS4, I would translate the text on the AS400, which has embedded formats. Then I would take the file it produced and import it into a Quark 4.3 document with stylesheets. The text would flow-in with the correct font and size. Then, I would take that .qxd file and open it in InDesign CS2.
Now, I'm looking for a way to do this in Quark 7.3 or InDesign CS4. Quark locks-up when I click on the AS400 file, and InDesign will flow-it, but all the encoded formats also come over. So, I would have alot of coding to get rid of. Not too worried about the format, but would love to figure out how to get the text without all the coding. (Example: @Grp:<f”Goudy”>@#$ <z7>18<\q><\q><\q> <z7><K>Clothes Bar<P><\q><\q><\q> <$><*p(0,0,0,0,0,0,0)><f”Lucica Sans”>Vinyl-covered; All this should be is "Clothes Bar Vinyl-covered")
Does anyone know of a plugin/script for InDesign that would allow me to retrieve this AS400 text? Or even a Quark solution. I thought Quark might be having issues with the lack-of extension on the file, but I'm not sure what extension the AS400 text file would require.
Would appreciate any insight into this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Now, I'm looking for a way to do this in Quark 7.3 or InDesign CS4. Quark locks-up when I click on the AS400 file, and InDesign will flow-it, but all the encoded formats also come over. So, I would have alot of coding to get rid of. Not too worried about the format, but would love to figure out how to get the text without all the coding. (Example: @Grp:<f”Goudy”>@#$ <z7>18<\q><\q><\q> <z7><K>Clothes Bar<P><\q><\q><\q> <$><*p(0,0,0,0,0,0,0)><f”Lucica Sans”>Vinyl-covered; All this should be is "Clothes Bar Vinyl-covered")
Does anyone know of a plugin/script for InDesign that would allow me to retrieve this AS400 text? Or even a Quark solution. I thought Quark might be having issues with the lack-of extension on the file, but I'm not sure what extension the AS400 text file would require.
Would appreciate any insight into this problem.
Thanks in advance!