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Avantra 30 E imaging problem


Active member
Hello everybody,
Please I need help:I have the problem on avantra 30 E imagesetter.
When I do internal test page or I try to image from the RIP there are some
lines in the image in fast scan direction.
see the attachment : Test film avantra30E copie.jpg
I tried to clean the spinner encoder,I did the carriage alignment
with Avdiag but no change.

Thanks in advance.
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Looks like the carriage is not moving smoothly but we need some higher resolution photos to tell. Use your iPhone camera through a lupe or microscope.
Dear Muhija:
Please check these items:
1- RIP cable for short or disconnecting(Discconect it and run Engine exposur test)
2- Carriage motor and Encoder coupling ( Black coupling inside carriage metal part)
3- Flat white Ribbon cable from DEC to Carriage PCB
4-At finaly if no find problem replace DEC PCB

With Best Regards
Atlas service

Carraiage is not moving smoothly I agree.

Dirty rails or bearings, encoderm flat cable... check is it is always in the same position of the carriage.

good luck
It appears that you have black lines in the screens that don't exactly appear, from side to side, to be in the same spot relative to the image. If that is the case, then there is something rubbing on the film prior to it getting thru the developer of your processor. Need much more exacting look and definition of the problem to offer any further recommendations.
I tried to clean rails,put small grease on bearings and put back the carriage
and then after doing carriage alignement, now it appears that the image is almost OK
not like before,I mean films can be used.But still there is some few lines.Is it encoder problem?
I tried to clean rails,put small grease on bearings and put back the carriage
and then after doing carriage alignement, now it appears that the image is almost OK
not like before,I mean films can be used.But still there is some few lines.Is it encoder problem?

It could be the encoder problem, No one can be sure to give you an immediate solution, but replacement of the encoder could be a good start to identify the defective part/parts.
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Farshad,please tell me:is the encoder the same for all avantra models?I mean for example if I have encoder for
avantra 25 is it possible to use it in avantra 30?
Farshad,please tell me:is the encoder the same for all avantra models?I mean for example if I have encoder for
avantra 25 is it possible to use it in avantra 30?

They are identical! Be careful when removing the carriage. You do not want any damage to the carriage bearings.
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