best proofer epsone or hp



we are thinking to buy a new proofer we are planing to use esko image downloader to simulate the real print dot's most of jobs 140-175 lpi any comment for best proofer brand you are welcome
This is always subjective. Having worked with a number of proofers. I would have always said Epson, however the newer HP's are better.

The biggest issue with HP's used to be paper loading was a pig to do first time. You really want to try before you buy.
If you define your requierments you can compare them to the specifications and attributes of the particular printers you have in mind. Those requirements might include: price; ease of use; cost of consumables (ink, paper, waste cartridges); durability; service availability and cost; speed or time to produce a print; gamut; color of inks; interface; resolution; etc. Make a list and assign a priority number to each item. Then list your printers and see how they compare to your requirements. I like Epson and have had good luck with them, but admit that today it's a brand-choice thing, for I have been using Epson for so many years that I have no idea what the present HP offerings are. Epson WAS superior when I chose my first Epson years ago, but that might no longer be the case.


We use both - Epson 10600 and HP z6100.
z6100 color managed by GMG, Epson run by EFI colorproof XF.
Epson 10600 more reliable, z6100 more consistent on color with the built in spectro. Z6100 has had more mechanical problems and shakes too much.
We rip 1-bit tiffs to 10600 and contone tiffs to z6100.


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