In most cases it is therfore better to do Ink Reduction or CMYK to CMYK conversion after flattenig, since it will have least visual surprises on the printed result.
Ok, I'll try to give you a simple example of what I would like to do:
PDFX/4 (all CMYK Fogra39 content) convert everything to KBA_P2_175_v1 (one of our press-profiles) lower TIC to 270%. Keep primary and secondary colors, keep 100%.
When I do this in my current workflow I wont get the same result converting a PDF with transparency compared with an PDF/X1-a.
It would be great if I can send you an simple example!
Magnus, I sent you back the test files that I processed. I used TGLC device link profiles (FOGRA39 to FOGRA39, 240 TAC). Let me know what you think.
…In your example I would say the error is transparency above text.
If flattened then the colours before CMYK conversion are the same, even if one is image and the other is type? Should not the colour conversion honour that? Why are you handling colour different for images and type/vector? There are lotts of examples where customers match a colour in vector and pixel, I think it would be wrong to treat them different.
FOGRA39 to "x", sure. I don't know that I have a FOGRA39 source device link but I can make something work.
Let me know how I can get these files to you. I ran your files through my system, and because of the nature of the colors involved got no change on the PDF/X-4 file. The PDF/X-1a file did change CMYK values, but I think you would agree that the result is acceptable.
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