CMYK Direct Print


New member
Why does the Yellow have to be the direct print when running 4 color process on a Goss Community? The current order of our inks goes MYCK, and I was told that the direct print HAD to be the yellow, but the only explanation was that it was because the direct print lays down weird and it's just the easiest to hide the yellow when it's that way, so we can't set it up CMYK.
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Could you explain what you mean by "direct print"? Are you just asking what the ink sequence is for CMYK printing? Are you printing newspaper?
Newspaper. Direct plate to paper

The Yellow is selected to be printed direct because the Yellow is less visible to the eye so any issues/deficiencies are harder to see. The overprint traps are difficult to maintain with a direct printing unit so I'm assuming that they've come up with an MY(direct)CK sequence from experience that it works.


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