Conventional Ink on Plastic

We are looking for recommendations of a conventional ink that prints well on plastic.

The plastic is polyester and the dyne level is naturally between 42 and 44.
Superior Printing Ink carries a set of inks just for this application. I have attached a product bulletin and a web link that you can use to find the nearest location: Superior Printing Inks


  • 100% Solids Product Bulletin.pdf
    60.8 KB · Views: 256
Oxidizing Inks

Oxidizing Inks

We use Toyo.
"TSP" Toyo Special Product works well under most conditions, Speedy Dry can be added to make it quicker if needed but becareful.
A second for the Wikoff product. It has worked very well for us.

By far, your best bet for printing plastic stocks will be via UV cured inks. Conventional inks, on plastics, require a much longer drying time.
We print with Brancher Kromoplast series with good result.Of course you have to make some preparations before and during printing:-avoid superimpostions of inks;-temperature of fount solution 14*C and 10-12 %IPA;-we use some dryer in fount solution (max. 5%) and some dryer in inks (1%);-small piles and medium anti -set-off powder;-air blowing minimum and do not use Infra -Red,only hot air but minimum too much will liquefy ink and provoke set-off.
Thin Ink film Technology.
The best out there. I have been using it for years now.
We print on many different plastic sub-straights, floor graphics, static cling, low tach window cling, polycarbonate, vinyl... It is not UV, it is conventional ink. No alcohol needed.
We can trim or die cut after 3 hours with 280% ink coverage.

Printing on non-pourous materials like plastic requires oxidizing inks. regular ink dries by absorbstion and oxidazion, but since solvents can't penatrate into plastics they tend to have drying problems. Toyo has a very good brand of oxidizing inks that I use but any manufacturer should be able to supply you with something comperable. Just keep your water at a minimum and run small stacks and you should be ok.


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