I don't know anything about how Heidelberg configures their systems - hopefully another user has a direct answer to your question.
Is the connection you're trying to make a matter of accessing network file shares (CIFS/SMB), and you need the password to do so? If so, there are several ways to open up the share and make it accessible without knowing the password.
I assume the Win2008 machine logs in the console session as an administrator automatically on startup (since otherwise you'd need to know the password to log in). You can't usually figure out an unknown Windows password, unless some installed application knows it and reveals it within its interface or one of its configuration files. You can, however, change the password of any user to a new password of your choosing - if you are logged in with an account that has administration privileges. To do that, run "cmd" from the start menu, and in the console window type "net user <user name> <new password>." (No period at the end - I just can't end a sentence without one.) I would only recommend this as a last resort, however, since it is possible that changing the password will break something else that relies on using the old password. I've done this several times, and haven't been burned, but it is a possibility.