Benjamin Taylor
Hello, i have a strange problem here.
CTP Screen PT-R8000 shows Expoure head error: Excessive current in the LD drive 1 (sometimes drive 2, very rare drive 3 and 4) while burning a plate.
This is old problem, from the moment we bought machine (about 5 years), but until recently it happens about 1 time in month/two months, and now error appears on every first/second plate.
Now we writing plates on half of head (0-15 LD), it's helps, but even so error sometimes appears.
What we do:
1. Changed cables and connector X800 (-5v, 8 black and blue cords from PSU to laser head motherboard).
2. Changed cables X807 (two cables from PSU to laser head motherboard).
3. Soldered all connectors on cpuboard and motherboard.
4. Changed pair LD who behaved strangely (sometimes show 1 mA in Iop-Iopd menu).
5. Many times dismantled head, pulled out and inspected all the boards.
5. Measured voltage in all PSU's, everything as reference values.
6. Raised voltage on head PSU to 5.43 (maximum value in service manual).
7. Connected oscilloscope to head PSU to measure interference - everything is fine.
8. Changed the power value of the laser head (270-260-250-240 mw, now working in 260 mw.
9. Observed the work of the machine via RS232 terminal (i can attach logs, but there is nothing interesting in them, just message about error).
At this moment machine works at full head, after procedure of opening-closing head cover, sometimes that helps burn up to 100 plates, sometimes not.
I think problem in some contacts, but in which?
Also we talk with service engineers, but they dont did not tell us anything new.
Maybe someone faced such a problem? Search in forum shows only problems with dead LD and broken cable.
P. S.: Sorry for a weird structure of proposals, english is not my native language.
CTP Screen PT-R8000 shows Expoure head error: Excessive current in the LD drive 1 (sometimes drive 2, very rare drive 3 and 4) while burning a plate.
This is old problem, from the moment we bought machine (about 5 years), but until recently it happens about 1 time in month/two months, and now error appears on every first/second plate.
Now we writing plates on half of head (0-15 LD), it's helps, but even so error sometimes appears.
What we do:
1. Changed cables and connector X800 (-5v, 8 black and blue cords from PSU to laser head motherboard).
2. Changed cables X807 (two cables from PSU to laser head motherboard).
3. Soldered all connectors on cpuboard and motherboard.
4. Changed pair LD who behaved strangely (sometimes show 1 mA in Iop-Iopd menu).
5. Many times dismantled head, pulled out and inspected all the boards.
5. Measured voltage in all PSU's, everything as reference values.
6. Raised voltage on head PSU to 5.43 (maximum value in service manual).
7. Connected oscilloscope to head PSU to measure interference - everything is fine.
8. Changed the power value of the laser head (270-260-250-240 mw, now working in 260 mw.
9. Observed the work of the machine via RS232 terminal (i can attach logs, but there is nothing interesting in them, just message about error).
At this moment machine works at full head, after procedure of opening-closing head cover, sometimes that helps burn up to 100 plates, sometimes not.
I think problem in some contacts, but in which?
Also we talk with service engineers, but they dont did not tell us anything new.
Maybe someone faced such a problem? Search in forum shows only problems with dead LD and broken cable.
P. S.: Sorry for a weird structure of proposals, english is not my native language.
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