Hi guys,
We have a problem with our Polar 92 EM-MONITOR (Nr:6011858). Machine was bought almost new in the UK and has FMM.
27 Nov 18: machine working all day perfectly. At 5pm machine froze and wouldn't do anything. Power off and on again and we got a screen full of + signs and cursor flashing at top left corner and won't boot any further.
28 Nov: Called POLAR service in Malta but being christmas period techs were too busy and we were put on a wait list
29 Nov: Being a small press we couldn't wait and started taking all our cutting to an nearby press who kindly let us use their machine between 6am - 7am before they started work.....very nice of them but it was killing us.
3 Dec: Polar tech turns up just to have a look and frankly hasn't got a clue....Power supplies OK and all seems good so he emails Polar in Germany and they say CP1 board needs to be replaced.
Cost of CP1 is 4680 euros and if you return damaged board you MAY get some credit back if board is repairable!!. We order CP1 board and it arrives 3 days later.
7 Dec: Polar deliver CP1 board and tech calls me up to say I can install it myself (I'm an electrical engineer, worked with Philips Medical Systems 3 years & Kodak for 12 years)
I install CP1 board and machine seems to work Hallelujah!!! BUT machine works only manually...all automatic cutting does not function, machine won't step through program but stops at first step or sometimes 2nd step. Cancelling auto cutting returns machine to manual cut and machine is ok....you can punch in size and machine moves to correct size and if you press cut buttons blade comes down and cycles correctly. After a few cuts machine keyboard and backgauge sometimes freezes, wont accept input from keyboard and seems to be waiting for something but pressing cut buttons
always works; after a few blank cuts the machine accepts input from keyboard and all seems ok. Call POLAR tech again...still to busy.....Christmas work
10 Dec: I dive in under machine and notice that switch S390 (operated by foot pedal) is damaged; actual switch ok but mounting to machine frame is broken and doesn't always make positive action. Replaced switch (took 3 days to arrive from Germany)....no change to machine!!! Call Polar again!!! Polar techs call back and say sorry..we don't have much experience on this machine and feel we cannot be effective....(translation) ...you're on you own!!! Christmas is approaching and so is our shutdown and we're down to manual cutting only at least. Polar Germany (through their reps here by email) start asking us to check power supplies, clamp proximity sensor, safety bolt sensors, cut switches at table etc.....the list goes on.
We now start an email saga through their representatives in here in Malta. They suggest that the problem must be the SK circuit board and suggest we replace this board....cost is 2860 euros!! We eventually order this board and it arrives in January (we have shutdown for christmas holidays). We replace the SK board and NOTHING CHANGES!!!! We notice that when we try auto cutting the machine random will sometimes steps through the program and very rarely even complete it, or stop at the first step.
We also notice that in auto cutting, when the knife has completed a cycle and won't advance to the next step the monitor displays "AUTOMATIC KNIFE ACTIVE" even though the knife is actually home. We suspect the switches at the cams on the back and check them and discover that one pair of contacts on S22c has a high resistance, S22a & S22b are fine and the replacement cost of these 2 switches, a mysterious box and the wiring cost 1021 euros....too expensive for a trial and error basis replacement.
More emails to & from Polar and they are now saying "we reach the end of email support. 2 options remain. Send all the electronics (the whole electrical works) + keyboard and computer and power relays / contactors to POLAR in Germany and they will test it OR have all parts shipped to Malta and they'll send a Polar tech here.....cost unknown but I can imagine!!!!
SO this is my situation at the moment:
The guillotine works in manual mode but will sometimes refuse input from the keyboard (a few blank cuts solves this)
The machine moves perfectly to any size (i reason that the LMS and the PI board and the MCM units are fine)
The guillotine stores and recalls programs OK, will step through a program (backgauge only) and move correctly but sometimes stops!
The machine wants to SCAN REFERENCE POINT very FREQUENTLY (5 or 5 time a day in the morning and it gets better in the afternoon!!!)
When we switch on the air on the table the monitor blanks momentarily but comes back ok and only the first time!! (implies a power supply issue I think)
When we had the MCM unit out we noticed that of the 6 snubbers (RC networks) that should be in circuit only 2 are physically there (but its been like this for years!)
Power supplies seem ok (using a Fluke multimeter) I haven't put a scope on them yet.....getting there!!
We're now in February, very busy and this is getting very frustrating and expensive.
I would appreciate any help / suggestions.
Thank you,
Peter (
[email protected] Mobile: +356 99475840)