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Different Lighting In Printing

Hi everybody

I'm trying to research the effects of different lighting and how it effects the print.

In my room (digital) we have 5 strip lights about 1 and half metres in length.

In litho we have the viewing boothes for each of the machines (they are called "Just normlicht") and I presume they came with the Komori presses.

Then for the epson printers in the repro room they have the small strip lights that are probably about 0.75 metres, But they have roughly 12 of them.

My manager is complaing that the digital work is not coming out same as the litho, the company has recently purchased GMG colorserver to try and correct this problem, So far it seems alot better but not perfect.

If I have a colour problem job then I have to take it to either the Studio Manger or the General Manager which is different lighting to the digital (There light seems very yellow as ours seems very Magenta/Red). So by the time I take it to them seeing it in there light it looks different to what I matched in my room.

I have asked on many occasions for a viewing booth but been told that its too expensive, But the way I see it is if they are going to all this trouble then its a small price to pay.

(sorry just ranted on there) basically what i'm after is something like a pdf or a research project that can show the different effects lighting has and why it looks so different when I take it too them.

My apologizes if I didn't explain myself there but any help would be great

Thanks Craig

Here's a PDF that explains it:


If you can't get viewing booths then at least get the correct light bulbs and use them in all areas where color is evaluated.

If you can't get the correct bulbs then at least get all bulbs to be the same make/type.

best, gordon p
Gordo, aren't there international standards for light sources in viewing booths?

I understand the international standards for visual colour evaluation are

ASTM D1729, (Amercian)
ISO 3664 (International)
Fiat Lux - again !

Fiat Lux - again !


Read the PDFs I have posted earlier in this Forum - 1st post on 25/01/2010

Regards, Alois

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