The glued blocks are set in factory for dynamic balance do not mess with them. Ask a qualified tech to capture live serial data from the machine (diag) while running the balancer test he should understand what's going on, it seems the balancer weights slip away from position while drum is spinning up.
Clean the drum grooves and all half circle segments. Turn off the machine, rotate the drum and gently push in each balance block one at a time - this should "free" the block and allow it to roll inside the groove, then retract your finger and the block should stay put with rubber pins firmly against the metal half circles. Do this for all 4 blocks. If a block doesn't "grip" correctly it will definitely slip away during spinning. The machine may put up a mechanical error or not depending on how much the block moved from position, also depending on machine firmware. Later FW versions have much better balance calculation.
Were the values entered correctly for clamp and balancer weights ?
Were the half circle segments fitted correctly ?
Clean the bal blocks sensors on each side and make sure each block metal flag is at correct distance from the side sensor.