There’s a couple of different ways you can look at press area:
The actual size of the press- length, width etc.
Or, the working area of the press- space for pallets, paper staging etc.
You have to remember the console and the peripherals. Sometimes the Air and Dryer cabinets are as large as the press!
Knowing this a basic NON UV SM102 6 color with coater extended delivery:
54 feet long, 11 feet wide
Working area:
66 feet in length, 21 feet wide, approximately 1414 square feet total- includes peripheral cabinets.
In our shop, the working area for our 8 color 102 with S module, no coater:
63 feet in length, 21 feet wide, about 1355 square feet, includes cabinets, cp2000 console etc.
So you end up needing 8-10 feet of room around the press for working area.
Working area is subjective; I’ve seen plenty of shops that have the presses right next to each other.
Hope this helps.